Home » today » Technology » BeReal App Launches Official Accounts for Celebrities and Brands on February 6

BeReal App Launches Official Accounts for Celebrities and Brands on February 6

On Tuesday 6 February, they will appear in the app.

LOADING..: BeReal promises the unfiltered lives of big stars.

CameraScreenshot / BeReal


The short version Tick off

  • Social media app BeReal is launching official accounts for celebrities and brands on Tuesday, February 6.
  • Users will now be able to follow their favorite celebrities and brands, according to a press release from BeReal.
  • Which celebrities and brands will be part of the launch on Tuesday is currently a secret.
  • Users can suggest celebrities they want to see in the app through a survey.

Mer +

At the beginning of February, official accounts for celebrities and brands will be launched in the social media app BeReal.

According to a press release, users will be able to follow their favorite celebrities and brands on BeReal.

These should be content from their lives outside the limelight. The function will be called “RealPeople” and “RealBrands”.

What is BeReal?

BeReal is a French app, launched in 2020.

The app differs from other social media in that users only have two minutes to take a photo with both the mobile’s front and rear cameras at the same time. At a random time every day, users are notified that it is time to “BeReal”. Then the picture must be taken and published. The aim is to share real and unfiltered images of everyday life on social media. The name is a pun on being real.

Mer +

According to BeReal’s operations director Romain Salzman, celebrities and brands will have to follow the same rules as regular users. That’s what Wired writes.

They will not receive any special benefits or opportunities to edit or schedule posts in advance.

With a survey in the app, users could find out that the celebrities were on their way already some time back.

CameraScreenshot / BeReal

According to BeReal, the goal is to show that famous people and brands are also ordinary people.

– They appear as genuine and unfiltered as ordinary users, says Salzman according to Wired. He believes that it will counteract the self-promotion and glossy image you often see in social media.

Which of these would you most like to see on “BeReal”?

Users will be able to become “RealFans” of specific accounts, but the company assures that the focus will still be on friends and close connections.

Secret celebrities

Regular users will be able to follow the verified profiles and tag them in their own posts. The celebrities and brands can then share the posts of regular users on their own channels.

After the launch on February 6, BeReal will continue to add new “RealPeople” to the app. Users can also suggest celebrities they want to see in the app through a survey.

Which celebrities and brands will be part of the launch on February 6 is currently a secret.

This article was created using AI tools from Anthropic, and quality assured by VG’s journalists.

2024-02-06 20:21:09
#celebrities #BeReal #Tek.no

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