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Bercher (VD): Two men burned in the fire of a shed

A disaster broke out on Saturday evening in a cabin located next to the Bercher refuge during a private party. One of the two Swiss people injured by the flames had to be placed in an artificial coma.

The fire broke out while a private party was taking place in the refuge. (Illustrative photo)


A fire broke out in a shed located next to the Bercher refuge (VD) on Saturday evening around 8:40 p.m. Two people were burned, one seriously. They were helicoptered to the CHUV.

The fire broke out while a private party was taking place in the refuge, the cantonal police said on Sunday. Alerted, the fire services, ambulance workers and the gendarmerie immediately intervened.

The two victims had gone to the nearby shed in order to restart the generator. For some reason that the investigation will have to determine, while they were in the room of the generator, the gasoline and its vapors caught fire.

Artificial coma

The injured, two Swiss aged 55 and 61 living in the region, were burned, one of them seriously. The latter was placed in an artificial coma because of the injuries suffered. They were helicoptered to the CHUV by the REGA. A psychological unit has been set up.

Following the fire, the annex to the refuge was destroyed. An investigation has been opened.


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