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Beppe Grillo to Conte: ‘I will report your threats to the M5S bodies’

The open clash at M5S between the ‘two Giuseppes’ continues with blows of letters. This time it is the guarantor who attacks the president of the M5S – again with a letter which however could be the last – published by The Sheetin which Beppe Grillo he addresses with the usual “Dear Giuseppe”. “You write to me accusing me for the umpteenth time – after having done so several times publicly – of having a master’s vision of the movement and contrary to its democratic values. The truth is that, on the contrary, I have always intended to protect the democratic values ​​on which the movement is Therefore, if we really want to talk about attitudes that are contrary to the democratic values ​​of the movement, these are to be found in the creeping maneuvers with which we are trying to demolish its safeguards, hypocritically invoking an alleged democratic process, which, as you know well (but pretend). of not knowing) cannot ignore it”, we read in the letter addressed to Giuseppe Conte. “Stop the correspondence, I no longer respond to Grillo. From today on you talk to the lawyers”, they cut short from the headquarters of the former prime minister who now no longer intends to reply to the letters of the founder of the Movement.

Five stars for stamped papers. Conte: consulting with Grillo

by Gabriella Cerami

Grillo’s letter to Conte

“The reasons why an attempt is underway to demolish the democratic pillars of the movement are well known, and certainly do not respond to its democratic values, but to the interests of a few. However, I would like to stay away from the circle in which some of you seem be sunk, to lead you along the natural burella and make you see our first stars again, starting from the beginnings of the movement, which was born first and foremost to create a more authentic democracy closer to the citizens – Grillo writes to Conte – In a recent post of mine I recalled that Gianroberto and I wanted to prevent the risks of other political forces, which tended to become sclerotic and alienated from the citizens. The dual mandate limit arises precisely from the desire to prevent these risks. Therefore, maintaining that the unquestionability of certain rules is incompatible with the democratic values ​​of the movement is not only an obvious contradiction, but is actually a reversal of reality, which reveals, vice versa, the real intentions of those who would instead like to question them”, Grillo puts pen to paper. “So, accusing me of a master vision of the movement is nothing more than the mirror of the intentions of others. On the contrary, reiterating the importance of certain rules is equivalent to defending its democratic values. So much so that no other founder of a political force has ever had the courage, altruism and imagination not to place himself at the top, but only to carve out a role of guarantee, as Gianroberto and I did.”

And again. The founder continues: “In these days – continues Grillo – we are witnessing the spectacle of hormonal storms of commentators excited at the thought of what could happen, speculating on battles, splits, disputes over the name and symbol, and so on. It’s a show that frankly doesn’t interest me, and that I find nauseating, because its outcome would still be harmful to everyone. So I hope it’s not staged. Given this, it has now become essential to return to the true democratic values ​​of the movement, without operations serving the interests of a few. The fact that they are trying to prevent it with the method of popular legitimation typical of autocracies is certainly not a good sign, but whatever its result it certainly cannot betray the distinctive features and values ​​of the movement, regardless of the ownership of the name and the symbol, which has already been judicially verified”.

“I conclude by responding to your threat to suspend the commitments undertaken by the movement towards me, this being unworthily instrumental and undue, as they are strictly linked to the functions that I have carried out and continue to carry out for the movement. In my capacity as “elevated” I abstain from go so low by responding in kind, but I limit myself to observing that the indemnity commitments would still be due, regardless of a contractual commitment in this sense, while my “fees” – which in reality, as you know, also cover the costs of the function I carry out for the movement – are not only appropriate for my function and the related costs, but even more so at a time when there is an ongoing attempt to overturn the identity and values ​​of the movement”. “In light of the above – Grillo announces – I reserve the right to evaluate what to do, possibly also submitting your threats to the competent bodies of the movement. I take this opportunity to invite you, rather, to respond as soon as possible to my requests for clarification on the process that will lead to the “constituent” assembly next October”.

Conte’s reply

Conte no longer intends to continue: no more letters, “from today on you talk to the lawyers”, the reasoning of the former prime minister who intends to put an end to “the dripping” that the M5S guarantor is carrying forward with the sole aim – this the thesis – to undermine the Movement’s path to democracy. In short, in the Campo Marzio headquarters it is intended to close the back and forth through letters between the two, the belief is that the former comedian’s latest moves not only demonstrate “the weakness” of the guarantor but above all they are the result of an attempt to transform the debate that will take place in the Constituent Assembly into a legal war that the M5S president does not want to put in the foreground. The objective, therefore, is to move forward without any delay ‘Constituent Assembly. Which could be postponed from 19 and 20 October to the beginning of November.

Grillo is ironic and posts the Movimento 5 Pec symbol

Beppe Grillo, in the midst of the clash with Giuseppe Conte over the future of the Movement, between public correspondence and vitriolic responses, returns to being ironic on his Facebook profile. Posting the M5s symbol with “Movimento5pec” written and commenting: “Advice for the new symbol…”.

Raggi: “I’m not interested in power struggles”

He doesn’t take a stand Virginia Raggi. Who this morning on social media with a post tried to clarify: “I’m not interested in power struggles. I don’t want to take the lead of any party or participate in palace conspiracies. So everyone stay calm. But at the same time, as I always have in my life, I strongly claim the right to say what I think. And above all to do it freely, without being labeled as ‘loyal’ to one or another. And I will continue to be like it or not. I will continue to say what I think and think is right without having to ask anyone for permission! “He concludes.

#Beppe #Grillo #Conte #report #threats #M5S #bodies
– 2024-09-29 05:25:30

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