Forty months have passed and since then a communal election, a presidential election and a legislative election have been held. Has the modification of the constitution of December 11, 1990 wanted by President Patrice Talon in 2019 really borne fruit? In his inaugural speech this Thursday, April 13, the President of the National Assembly welcomes this. Carried by a flashback which he was moved, Louis Vlavonou already feels like he is growing wings. And if the spirit of consultation of the 108 others accommodated it, a new revision of the Constitution could see the light of day during the next triennium.
The tone is already set and this time, the government will not be on the move. An invitation has already been sent out to bring together all parliamentarians around what should now be categorized as the “major parliamentary projects” of the ninth legislature. This project, ensures Louis Vlavonou, would not affect the balance of powers, the republican and democratic option or the limitation to two of the number of presidential terms. But what would it be used for? The President of the National Assembly stresses the need to “make the necessary alterations to the Constitution with a view to its constant improvement”.
If the limitation of the number of presidential terms, so dreaded, is inscribed in marble, that of the age of candidates for the presidential election could be the subject of discussion. Similarly, the post of vice-president, elected in duet with the president of the Republic created by the law of 2019, and whose usefulness is called into question could also be affected by the possible alterations in perspective. In addition, it could be a question of filling, with a view to the next general elections, some pitfalls of the previous amending law. In this case, the Constitution in force does not specify much, at least not explicitly, if the vice-president is subject to the same limitation of term as the president and if a former president can aspire to a post of vice-president. Finally, the vagueness surrounding the status of elected officials who could grant their sponsorship could also be dispelled.
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