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Benevolent Hospital Presents “Bone Preservation Campaign” to Promote Understanding and Treatment of Osteoporosis

Benevolent Hospital held the “Bone Preservation Campaign” event, providing free heel bone density screening and lectures to increase the public’s understanding and treatment of osteoporosis. (Photo by reporter Wu Yingzhou)

Reporter Wu Yingzhou/New Taipei Report

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A 58-year-old woman surnamed Liu likes to climb mountains and walk. One time when she was climbing a mountain after a rain, she accidentally slipped due to slippery road conditions. She rested her hands on the ground and fractured her wrist. When she went to the hospital, she was found to have osteoporosis and was unable to withstand the impact of the fall. . Doctors said that osteoporosis is not only common in the elderly, but also in clinical practice. Many women over the age of 50 suffer sudden fractures due to falls or external force. They only realize how fragile their bones are after seeking medical treatment.

In response to World Osteoporosis Day on October 20, Benzhu Public Hospital held a “Bone Preservation Campaign” event in the outpatient medical building on the 18th, including free heel bone density screening, fracture risk assessment and on-site DXA bone density examination, and a series of health The lecture invites orthopedic and family medicine doctors to educate the public on the fight against osteoporosis.

Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Jiang Zhiyong said that bone loss occurs with age. Excessive bone loss will cause bones to form many pores and become fragile and easy to break. Especially after menopause, women’s hormones decrease, and bone loss occurs faster. Many patients with osteoporosis have such fragile bones that they cannot withstand the pressure of daily life. They may fracture their hips or wrists if they fall, or they may fracture their spine just by bending over when coughing or sneezing. Jiang Zhiyong recommended that the public undergo bone density testing regularly. Women can be screened after menopause or at least 65 years old, and men can be tested around 70 years old to detect and treat them as early as possible to avoid an increased risk of fractures.

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If osteoporosis is diagnosed, active treatment should be carried out. If the bone density is so low that it is about to turn on a “red light,” bone should be saved as soon as possible before osteoporosis occurs. Huang Junfeng, director of the Osteoporosis Society of the Republic of China and director of the Family Medicine Department of Neng Chugong Hospital, pointed out that sun exposure, a balanced diet, and correct supplementation of calcium tablets and vitamin D can help accumulate bone mass.

Huang Junfeng said that exercise can also help maintain healthy bones, such as brisk walking, jogging, weight training and even square dancing, which can put pressure on bones and make them stronger. Elderly people should also increase muscle strength and balance training to avoid the risk of death caused by serious complications after falls and fractures.

2023-10-18 16:09:29

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