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Benevento Gazette

Benevento, 24-10-2024 17:33 ____

To fill the gap in the shortage of doctors quickly, it is not enough to remove the limited number of admissions to the Faculty but to move the degree from 7 to 5 years

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We, as information workers, have the obligation to be attentive to the management of healthcare in the area and therefore to report and denounce, even forcefully if necessary, the things that are wrong. We do this when necessary.
However, we also have the obligation to point out good healthcare, the one with which the user remains satisfied when he is forced to turn to it.
This is the case of the ASL Rehabilitation Center directed by Luigi Iacobacci (in the second photo below), who in his premises in via Mascellaro carries out a meritorious and important work to help the patient overcome, as brilliantly as possible, the after-effects, perhaps, of an operation or to support, with professionally impeccable practices and performed in an equally useful manner with the aid of modern machinery that Cerntro has at its disposal, to support, as we were saying, the ailments typical of advancing age.
On “Rehabilitation: A bridge between innovation and tradition”, at the behest of Iacobacci himself, the professional refresher course was held as part of the “Samnite Rehabilitation Days”, an initiative now in its fourteenth edition.
We started today, with the first day of work, and will continue until Saturday morning. Over the course of the days, professionals of primary importance at a national level will take turns at the table.
Luigi Iacobacci opened the proceedings and immediately passed the word to offer institutional greetings.
The speaker was Ettore Varricchio, director of the Biology course, who recalled that from this year the University of Sannio has also opened the university course in Sports Sciences which adds to that of Biotechnology and Biology.
The word then passed to the mayor Clemente Mastella who underlined how he too had resorted to the care of the Rehabilitation Center directed by Iacobacci who, as happens with wives, Mastella said jokingly, must be listened to as far as rehabilitation exercises are concerned.
Mastella, after thanking all Iacobacci’s collaborators for the professionalism with which they operate in this delicate sector, said that he defends those who work in this strange world of healthcare which needs funds, at least 12-13 billion while the finance company he only made 3 available to him.
Inequalities are satisfied while there are needs to be satisfied.
The mayor also said he was in solidarity with doctors and nurses who suffer violent and uncontrolled actions that did not happen before because there was also more respect for those who worked in healthcare.
We must all be aware that you are not Padre Pio, you are the science that is not always able to provide answers.
Regarding the shortage of doctors, Mastella said that it is fine to eliminate the limited number for access to the Faculty of Medicine but we need to have more courage because the benefits of this provision will be seen in years.
And so, we are the only ones where to become a doctor you need 7 years of study beyond specialization.
I think, however, that the degree in Medicine should be able to be achieved in 5 years, perhaps eliminating all the subjects that are not of great importance for the purpose. Maybe we eliminate the baroque and bombastic ones.
Only in this way will we be able to fill the gap that has now been created regarding the shortage of doctors in our national healthcare system in a more reasonable time.
Then, with a final line to his speech, he said that he allows Iacobacci to touch him, and the general director of the ASL, Gennaro Volpe, much less…
Thank you, however, to all of you, Mastella concluded, for the action you carry out every day, which is to alleviate people’s suffering.
In taking the floor again, Iacobacci wanted to thank the general director Volpe for the attention he pays to the Rehabilitation Center which also provided the latest generation equipment, perhaps he also does so because his specialization is in physiatry.
Volpe himself took the floor and said that much more can be done.
I was born a physiatrist, it’s true, even if I practiced for a short time but my daughter is a physiotherapist and therefore rehabilitation runs in the family.
Volpe then praised the work carried out by Iacobacci who has brought the Public Rehabilitation Center to a high level which deserves attention for the professionalism it expresses and the technical means with which it is equipped.
We entrust our people to this complex.
This sector of the ASL will expand further because it will also go to the Cittaella Sanitaria that we are building not far from here.
Work on the facilities is expected to be completed by next year.
The Benevento Local Health Authority is among the very few at a national level that does not manage hospitals, continued Volpe.
However, we are building important structures such as community houses where there will certainly also be rehabilitation.
This will be within the next year but domiciliary care will be our real ace up the sleeve.
We intend to carry out rehabilitation in the homes of our patients.
The objective is to serve 10% of the population aged over 65 with this service, who we will thus also be able to monitor.
It’s a huge effort but reaching people’s homes is our greatest goal.
Before starting work on the refresher course, Iacobacci wanted to thank the health director Marco De Fazio and the department director, Tommaso Zerella, with whom there has always been harmony of intent but also his group who work with him on a daily basis great seriousness and commitment.
Then Iacobacci read the presentation of the Course and started the work.
“The appointment of the Samnite Rehabilitation Days is renewed. This year the scientific event has reached its fourteenth edition and has the title: “Rehabilitation: a bridge between innovation and tradition”.
The chosen theme arises from the desire to take stock of the use of new technologies in the rehabilitation field which increasingly allow rehabilitation processes to be standardized and improved.
It will be an exposition of current scientific knowledge regarding its evidence-based clinical applicability.
Robots, exoskeletons, immersive and non-immersive virtual realities, artificial intelligence and the metaverse contribute to better patient healthcare.
It should be kept in mind that new technologies, although capable of profoundly modifying the health system, function as a supplement and not as a replacement of classic rehabilitation therapies.
They must represent tools in the hands of the physiatrist to make the rehabilitation process developed for the patient more efficient.
It is important to know them and know how to use them competently, adapting them to the objectives established with the individual rehabilitation project, together with the other more well-known rehabilitation methodologies.
Innovation is important for new goals in rehabilitation but it must not make us forget the wealth of experience and knowledge acquired over the years and above all the direct relationship that is created between rehabilitator and patient which no matter how advanced technology cannot replace. Tradition and innovation must therefore go hand in hand to be of concrete help to the patient.”

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