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Benefits of Vitamins as a Prevention of Covid-19 Infection

By: Ida Sari Dewi SFarm, Alumni of S1 Pharmacy Study Program Telogorejo Semarang

VITAMIN has many roles in maintaining a healthy body. Vitamins are one of the supporting elements for the performance of human organs to keep them functioning properly. Vitamin comes from the word “vita” which means life and “amine” which means a certain substance. In other words, vitamins are substances that are necessary for life according to Sediaoetama (1987).

During a pandemic, vitamins have benefits, one of which is to maintain the body’s immunity. Some vitamins that have a role in maintaining the body’s immunity during a pandemic are vitamin C and vitamin D.

Vitamin D is classified in several doses such as Vitamin D3 1000 iu and Vitamin D3 5000 iu. These vitamins have different characteristics and roles from each other. Therefore, the use of vitamins must be adjusted to the needs of each individual’s body.

Vitamin C cannot be produced in the human body but is sourced from fruits and vegetables such as oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, and peppers. The benefits of vitamin C include helping the growth and repair of bone cells, teeth and skin cells.

The content that can prevent exposure to Covid-19 is antioxidants. Antioxidants will form the defense of skin cells as the outermost organ so that it can prevent free radicals. Antioxidants will also form the immune system so that it can ward off free radicals including viruses that can damage cells in the body.

Vitamin D can be produced by the body naturally, namely when the skin is directly exposed to sunlight in the morning. Through exposure to ultraviolet B radiation (UVB) the skin will naturally produce vitamin D3. Another source of vitamin D is through food intake such as fish, egg yolks, liver, milk and cereals.

Vitamin D has a role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. The efficacy of vitamin D that can prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2 is by reducing the inflammatory response to the virus. Vitamin D will interact with angiotensin-converting-enzyme 2 (ACE) protein as a receptor for the entry of the Sars-CoV-2 virus.

Vitamin D3 itself is available in various doses. Some doses of vitamin D3 that can be found are vitamin D3 1000 iu and vitamin D3 5000 iu. Doses of vitamin D3 1000 iu and vitamin D3 5000 iu are classified as vitamin D analogues which both have a role in increasing vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D3 can prevent infection with Covid-19 by increasing the body’s immunity and regulating the work of various genes in the body to prevent various chronic diseases. According to Grant et al, the role of vitamin D in high concentrations can reduce the risk of acute respiratory infections (ARI) including coronavirus infection (Grant WB, 2020).

The difference between the doses of vitamin D3 1000 iu and vitamin D3 5000 iu is in terms of use. Vitamin D3 1000 iu is used as prevention of Covid-19 infection while vitamin D3 5000 iu is not only used as prevention but can also be used for the maintenance of Covid-19 patients.

The differences in Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 1000 iu, and Vitamin D3 5000 iu as a preventive measure against covid-19 can be seen from the substance content in each type of vitamin and their use. Vitamin C has antioxidants as immune-forming while vitamin D has substances that play a role in modulating the immune system.

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