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Benefits of Turmeric, from Brain to Heart Health

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – In addition to adding flavor and color to various types of food, turmeric has many health benefits. Turmeric also contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This makes turmeric not only for preventing disease but also treating pre-existing chronic health conditions.


Kunyit digunakan sebagai bumbu sekaligus ramuan obat. Salah satu senyawa terpenting dalam kunyit adalah curcumin atau kurkumin, yang memiliki andil atas sebagian besar manfaat kesehatan potensial kunyit. Berikut enam manfaat kesehatan yang terbukti dari kunyit.

Antioksidan dan anti-inflamasi
Sudah lama kunyit digunakan sebagai obat. Meskipun merupakan bumbu yang beraroma, kunyit mengandung sifat antioksidan dan anti-inflamasi yang mampu membersihkan tubuh dari semua racun berbahaya dan mencegah peradangan. Kurkumin dalam kunyit adalah salah satu bahan utama yang membuatnya sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Dengan senyawa obat yang unik, hal tersebut membuat tubuh tetap sehat dan melawan patogen mematikan.


Mengobati infeksi virus
Di tengah pandemi Covid-19, penting untuk menjaga kesehatan. Pilek dan flu adalah penyakit yang selalu hadir. Meskipun penyakit ini tidak seserius Covid-19, jika tidak ditangani dapat menyebabkan kerusakan serupa dan ketidaknyamanan yang serius. Konon, menyeruput teh kunyit atau menambahkan kunyit ke dalam susu dan meminumnya secara teratur dapat memberikan keajaiban bagi kesehatan. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan menghindari semua kemungkinan bahaya infeksi virus.

Reduce the risk of chronic disease
It is believed that the presence of curcumin in turmeric can prevent disease Chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer, also help live longer. Heart disease is one of the main factors contributing to mortality worldwide. Several studies have shown that curcumin can improve heart health and prevent heart-related diseases.

With respect to chronic diseases such as cancer, curcumin is said to be a beneficial ingredient in cancer treatment and has been found to have an impact on the growth and development of cancer cells. Besides helping to eradicate cancer cells, it can also reduce metastasis, which is the spread of cancer to other parts of the body. Given that curcumin can control inflammation, turmeric is said to have the ability to control blood sugar levels as well and help prevent type 2 diabetes in the long run.

Prevent Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s or dementia is a neurological condition due to memory loss. Although not proven, turmeric is said to protect the brain from common degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s. Given that turmeric causes an increase in brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein found in the brain and spinal cord ensures healthy nerve cells and regulates communication between nerve cells thereby enabling learning and memorization. However, it is important to note most of the studies have been done on mice and more are waiting to confirm the effectiveness of turmeric in preventing Alzheimer’s.

Help fight depression
The hustle and bustle of today’s world and people get so busy that stress levels increase. Poor mental health has become a challenge and we need to do everything to overcome and treat it. Studies also claim turmeric has the power to treat depression and reduce stress and anxiety, it has even been compared to antidepressants and shown to be just as effective. While more research is needed to determine its effectiveness in fighting depression, turmeric can be used as a natural remedy to treat other ailments.

Help relieve the symptoms of arthritis
Arthritis is a joint problem caused by chronic inflammation. Since curcumin is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, it may be one of the best natural remedies for curing arthritis or other joint-related conditions. Some studies have also shown a positive relationship between curcumin and its ability to treat arthritis, but more research and evidence is needed.

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