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Benefits of the Sun for the Life of Everyday Living On Earth

Illustration of the benefits of the sun for life. Photo: Ist/Net

The benefits of the sun for life are certainly very large. This energy source is most needed. Not only as a source of light that illuminates the hemisphere and the world but also has other great benefits for humans, plants, animals and other living things.

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The sun itself can emit most of the radiation under the name electromagnetic. Namely where humans can only see a little of the sun’s energy. This is called visible light.

These are the benefits of the sun for the life of creatures

The sun as the star of the main gas giant ball with a diameter of 1.4 million km. It emits a large primary source when it is bright on the earth’s surface about 1000 Watts of solar energy per square meter.

Meanwhile, less than 30 percent of the energy is reflected back into space. For 47 percent is converted into heat, and 23 percent for the entire working circulation above the earth’s surface.

A small portion of 0.25 percent is on wind, waves and currents. A small fraction of 0.025 percent has been stored through the process of photosynthesis for plants.

The benefits of the sun for life are also for the process of forming coal and oil. So it is extensively and exploratory for fuels, plastics manufacture, synthetic materials and formica.

Benefits of Sunlight for Human Life

Benefits of the sun for humans everyday. Especially in every human activity in various ways.

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The first benefit comes from solar energy which helps humans in light and illumination. The world would be pitch black without the sun.

This makes all humans will not be able to see anything in the surrounding environment. So the sun has an important role for living things.

Unlike the lamp, the light that comes from the sun can be obtained by humans for free. While the lights from the source of electrical energy are not free.

Drying clothes and more

Without solar energy, it is impossible for humans to dry laundry quickly. Without sunlight clothes can become musty and wet. The benefits of the sun for life can also dry fish, rice, and much more.

In addition, the benefits of the sun for drying salted fish can also be used for salt making and food preservation processes. With the hot sun, everything that is dried in the sun will dry.

Generating Electrical Energy

The next benefit is to generate electricity. Electrical energy can later be used as light in the dark or at night. In addition, to turn on electronic devices.

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The use of electrical energy comes from the help of the sun or solar cells. This is definitely environmentally friendly. Solar energy is a type of renewable energy that is truly unlimited.

Humans began to use the benefits of the sun for life for solar power generation so that it is more optimal. The source of the Sun will not be exhausted than nuclear power and coal for the life of the surrounding environment.

Likewise, if you have a water heater using sunlight, the solar panel is not large and you put it above the house.

Then you use the solar panel to get electrical energy from the sun, so you can save electricity costs more. Electric cars have been using the benefits of the Sun and developed for a long time.

Panel Tata Surya

You can use the sun’s energy as a source of solar power. The trick is to put metal plates.

Then, the plate will absorb the heat of the sun. Then with the help of technology, the sun’s heat will be converted into electricity.

Benefits of the Sun for Plant Life

Not only for humans, sunlight is also useful for plants. Here are the benefits:

Photosynthesis Process

Direct sunlight may not be so useful for humans, but it really helps plants. This is to help plants in the process of photosynthesis.

Without the sun, the plants on earth would die. It is very closely related to humans.

If there were no plants on earth, humans would easily perish. because there is no supply of oxygen produced by plants.

This applies to the law of dependence between the continuity of human life and other creatures. Plants that get enough sunlight will grow shady and make the environment fresher and healthier.

The benefits of the sun for life can automatically reduce the impact of global warming that will occur in the future.

Soil Drying and New Plant life

The sun is also useful for the process of plant reproduction when we plant. The process of drying the soil also requires light, because it is impossible to dry on its own.

Plants whose flower seeds have dried will fall to the ground so that they can thrive on the dry soil.

Like sunflower seeds that grow in moist places but wither faster when compared to dry soil.

The source of the sun will never run out. You can use it as a greenhouse for agriculture. The benefits of the sun for life function to help the process of glucose formation in plants.

If the sugar is available then it will form other organic compounds which will be converted into fats and proteins which are very useful.

Nutrition Producer

The sun is useful as the best nutrition for plants. According to research, plants with adequate lighting will grow optimally, in contrast to artificial light.

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Growth will be more fertile so as to maintain air temperature and produce nutrients. Environmental cleanliness will be maintained and will have a good influence on human health.

Benefits of Sunlight for Human Health

The benefits of the sun for life are certainly very many. Even very good for human health. So great are these benefits that we really need the presence of the sun. For human health, the benefits are as follows.

Source of Vitamin D

As a healthy life, it is often recommended to bask in the hot sun in the morning. This morning sunlight has vitamin D, and is useful as the best nutrient for the human body.

Human skin has a type of cholesterol that functions to build vitamin D. When these compounds are exposed to UV-B sun it will turn into vitamin D and is good for the body.

The vitamin D contained in sunlight can circulate longer than the vitamin D in the supplement. However, the amount of vitamin D that the body can take depends on the season, age, sunscreen and clothing.

Improve Sleep Quality

Exposure to the sun can help us regulate our internal clock so as to ensure the body produces enough melatonin at night.

Now when the sun hits the human retina, the production of serotonin will also begin. In a small study according to the headlines reveal about the benefits of the sun for life. The more natural light the subject receives, the better the quality of sleep will be.

Strengthens Human Bones

From enough sunlight and getting vitamin D it helps human bones are always awake. Vitamin D is able to regulate calcium and maintain phosphorus levels in human blood.

If children are deficient in these vitamins, they will be at risk of rickets. Likewise with adults. Vitamin D deficiency will be associated with osteomalacia or in terms of softening of the bones. It even causes osteoporosis.

Maintaining Mental Health

In addition to the above, the benefits of the sun for human life is able to support the release of serotonin and endorphins.

Both relate to the atmosphere to be happier. This hormone is useful for reducing depression and providing a calm body. The benefits for human life come from the light that enters the eye.

Exposure to solar energy can lower serotonin levels, which can lead to stress or major depression. Therefore it is very good to get light for 10 to 15 minutes per day.

Healthy Air Temperature

With the sun’s energy, all living things will not get warmth. This serves to stabilize the temperature.

So it is very good for human health. Temperature stability is able to maintain the continuity of human life.

Away from disease

With the benefits of the sun for life, humans can prevent cancer, namely colon cancer, pancreatic cancer and many more.

In addition, the sun can also cure skin problems in humans. You only need to get the benefits by sunbathing and being exposed to the sun on the arms, hands and face. Do this for 5 to 15 minutes 2 to 3 times a week.

Benefits of Sunlight for Animals

While the use of the sun for animals is to warm their bodies in order to survive. Some animals use sunlight to help facilitate the process of digestion of food in these animals.

It also keeps the body temperature warm and stable. this helps him adapt to the environment.

Especially some reptile animals namely turtles, crocodiles, snakes and many more basking in the sun.

Another benefit of the sun for life is that it makes animal bones stronger and helps the hair drying process. Not only that, the benefits of sunlight can help animals for lighting when looking for prey.

On the contrary, animals are protected from predators. This is because it can see and know the predators. Not only humans, animals also need rest, so that sunlight can regulate the sleep cycle like other creatures.

Benefits of the Sun for Nature

In addition to the above, the benefits of the sun are very good for nature. Mainly being the center of the Milky Way galaxy. All celestial bodies or outer space in the form of planets, comets, satellites, asteroids and others that rotate around the sun.

This is because of the large gravitational force of the sun. It is also a source of unlimited energy for nature in the form of light.

Because the rotation of the earth also causes day and night. The part that is exposed to the sun is the area during the day.

In addition, the benefits of the Sun for life also help the occurrence of the Water, Rain and Wind cycle. This is because of the sun. Starting from evaporation that comes from the sun. Until there is rain that living things can use on this earth.

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It even plays a role in changing the seasons. Changing seasons of rain, snow, heat and much more. This is the emission of solar energy.

The heat is radiated in several areas resulting in differences in the temperature of the area exposed to the light or not. This creates a series of seasons in various parts of the world.

Oxygen for orgasm is also very good and comes from the sun. Creatures breathe so that it becomes their continuity on earth. That is the benefit of the Sun for life on Earth. (R10/HR-Online)

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