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Benefits of Keji Beling Leaf Decoction, Help Overcome Blood Sugar to Cholesterol

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – Kejibeling leaves have been widely used as herbal medicine by Indonesians. However, the use of these leaves is not yet popular. This leaf has many health benefits. The most well-known benefit is that it is often used as a diabetes drug.

This wild plant originating from Madagascar usually grows at an altitude of 50-1,200 meters above sea level, and can be found on the banks of rivers or forests. This plant can also be planted in the yard with fertile soil conditions.

Kejibeling or commonly known as broken glass contains ingredients such as caffeine, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, antioxidants and others. These are the benefits of consuming the Kejibeling leaf water decoction, which has been summarized from various sources.

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