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Benefits of dates for diet | the concert

Books – Muhammad Amin:

Most dieters usually avoid dates while dieting, thinking they lead to weight gain, due to their high calorie content and high sugar content.

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Is it possible to eat dates in the diet?

In this regard, Dr. Marwa Mohamed, a clinical nutritionist, confirmed that there are no objections to consuming dates while dieting, noting that it is a dried fruit that is beneficial to human health, because it contains many essential nutrients for the body.

Marwa added that dates play a role in weight loss, as they contain a high percentage of dietary fiber, which in turn helps you feel full for long hours.

He explained that dates are very effective in resisting the lethargy associated with dieting, because its sugars provide the body with energy, vitality and activity, so it is one of the suitable foods for breakfast and before exercise.

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Calories in dates

And according to the US Department of Agriculture, when you eat 5 dates, which equals 40 grams, your body gets 113 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrates and 25 grams of sugars.

The same amount of dates contains other nutrients, in particular:

3 grams of fiber.

– 1 gram of protein.

– 262 milligrams of potassium.

17 milligrams of magnesium.

8 micrograms of folic acid.

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Benefits of dates for the body

She indicated that dates provide the body with another set of amazing benefits, including:

– Strengthen the immune system.

– Anti-cancer.

– Promote digestive health.

– Natural laxative.

Effective treatment for malnutrition.

– Eliminate insomnia.

– Strengthen bones and protect them from fragility, because it contains a good percentage of calcium.

– Treatment and prevention of anemia, thanks to its high iron content.

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Tips for eating dates in diet

To avoid weight gain when eating dates, Marwa recommended the following guidelines:

Eat dates for breakfast.

Eat a maximum of 3 dates a day.

Drink milk with dates.

Rely on skimmed milk.

Do not sweeten milk with sugar.

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