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Benefits of Consuming Snakehead Fish for Wound Healing and Health

RADARCIREBON.ID – Snakehead fish turns out to have many benefits for us to consume, including healing wounds in our bodies, this is a complex and dynamic process. This is because it links two things in structural recovery, namely cells and injured tissue layers.

Snakehead fish is one of the freshwater biota that is widely consumed by Indonesian people. Apart from being easy and relatively cheap, snakehead fish has a scientific name Channa striata, which is included in the predatory group. This fish has a protein content of up to 25 percent. Apart from that, snakehead fish also contains albumin which can reach 6,200 grams per 100 grams of weight of snakehead fish.

Fish is an animal food source that has many benefits and is rich in protein. Apart from that, fish is the best source of omega 3 fatty acids which are good for body and brain health. One of the fish that has a lot of nutrition and nutritional content.

This fish, which has the Latin name Channa striata, is a predatory fish that preys on small fish and insects in its habitat. This species is also known as the snakehead because it has a snake-like head shape, is long and dark in color.

This snakehead fish is spread throughout almost all regions and islands of Indonesia. Many people consume snakehead fish as a source of animal protein. This content is considered capable of helping capillary formation, fibroblast proliferation, proteoglycan synthesis, collagen synthesis, and wound remodeling. Therefore, increasing protein intake to optimize healing and immune function is essential.

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The content of snakehead fish can help the wound healing process faster. First, snakehead fish is rich in protein, amino acids, fatty acids and other important nutrients to ensure that energy needs are met while the wound healing process occurs.

Channa striata has been clinically proven to induce cell proliferation, platelet aggregation and exhibit anti-pain effects comparable to morphine in terms of anti-pain or anti-nociceptive properties. For this reason, post-operative patients or mothers after giving birth naturally or via caesarean section are generally advised to consume foods containing snakehead fish.

2023-10-15 00:51:59
#Benefits #Snakehead #Fish #Meat #Quickly #Removing #Wounds #Radar #Cirebon

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