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Benefit of Endoscopic Ultrasound: Diagnosis and Procedure with Samitivej Hospital Gastrointestinal Specialists

What is endoscopic ultrasound or EUS?

Endoscopic ultrasound or EUS is a minimally invasive procedure that uses an endoscope along with high-frequency sound wave technology (Ultrasound) to diagnose lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines. or more The camera is a small, light tube and the tip is equipped with a small ultrasound machine. can be bent

This type of camera is called Echoendoscope It can be inserted into the mouth or anus and moved to the position desired by the doctor. This innovation will help support doctors in detecting abnormalities in the digestive tract and surrounding areas more clearly.

Benefits of endoscopy with ultrasound Examine the digestive system

  • Diagnosis in addition to the symptoms that the patient is experiencing. such as stomach pain, abnormal weight loss Due to the examination of the gastrointestinal tract using an endoscope equipped with ultrasound. It will help the doctor to see a clearer picture of the digestive tract.
  • Abnormal assessment For example, the growth of a lump that was detected before endoscopy from other radiographic methods such as ultrasound or computed tomography. This will allow the doctor to see a clear picture of the lump. A more detailed diagnosis can be made and can determine what type of lump it is.
  • If examined by other means and still do not reach a definite conclusion. A biopsy needle can be used through an ultrasound-guided endoscope. This allows for a definite diagnosis of diseases of the pancreas, bile duct, and gallbladder.
  • Can examine and diagnose the nature of the lump. Under the lining of the stomach wall duodenum and distal colon
  • Helps the doctor know the stage of the cancer in the gastrointestinal tract. And it helps to know whether the cancer has spread into the lymph nodes or other nearby important organs, such as blood vessels. For some patients, ultrasound may be used to cut out a biopsy sample to send for examination and find treatment. next appropriate

When is it necessary to examine the gastrointestinal tract with an ultrasound-guided endoscope?

Endoscopy with ultrasound can help diagnose lumps under the lining of the upper gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, and duodenum), colon, and rectum. and nearby organs including the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. An endoscope equipped with ultrasound is used to check for abnormalities of the lesion in addition to CT scans or magnetic resonance imaging scans. When there are the following indications

  • Want to biopsy a tumor or drain a pancreatic cyst.
  • Want to take a biopsy from a lump under the wall of the stomach. duodenum distal colon and rectum
  • Further diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis is required.
  • Want to access areas with cancer of the pancreas, stomach, colon, or rectum to confirm the pathology and severity of the cancer. or even to help check whether the cancer is at a stage where it has spread to nearby lymph nodes or blood vessels or not.
  • Want to check for gallstones in the bile duct
  • Want to administer specific drugs directly to the pancreas to relieve pain in chronic pancreatitis.

Preparation before undergoing endoscopy with ultrasound Examine the digestive system

Providing appropriate advice before undergoing endoscopy equipped with ultrasound is It depends on whether the doctor wants to have an endoscopy of the upper GI tract (Upper GI) or the lower GI tract (Lower GI). Initially, those undergoing the examination need to prepare as follows.

  • No water, no food, and prepare the large intestine. This ensures that the endoscopy channel is free of obstructions and that the doctor can see the various parts. clearly
  • Importantly, those undergoing the examination must inform the examining physician of the allergic reaction. Whether it is food and drug allergies or medications currently being taken This is because the doctor must prescribe medication before undergoing the endoscopy equipped with ultrasound.
  • And after the colonoscopy, the patient should pay attention to the person who will take care of them after the procedure because the patient who has the colonoscopy may be dizzy from the medication given before the colonoscopy.

Procedure for endoscopic examination with ultrasound digestive system

Upper gastrointestinal examination The doctor will spray an anesthetic into the patient’s throat to numb it. Before starting the examination The patient will be positioned to lie on the left side. and will be given sedatives intravenously to make you feel relaxed The doctor will then insert the endoscope into the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. This test usually takes about 30-60 minutes, while the patient is asleep during the test.

Examination of the lower digestive tract The patient will receive sleeping pills. and the patient will be positioned to lie on the left side. Turn your back on the doctor Most tests take approximately 30-60 minutes.

Symptoms that can be found after endoscopy with ultrasound digestive system

  • You may experience a dry throat or cracked lips on upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.
  • nausea and vomiting
  • bloating and gas
  • There may be abdominal pain or abdominal cramps.

Serious adverse reactions are rare. But if the patient has severe symptoms other than those mentioned above, such as high fever, chest pain, severe dizziness, or bleeding from the area where the biopsy was taken. You can immediately contact the doctor who provided the examination or send you to the hospital where the procedure was performed.

It can be seen that the procedure is done with an endoscope equipped with ultrasound. It is necessary to be performed by a specialist doctor in order to be efficient and accurate. Lesions can be clearly identified and treated in a timely manner. Samitivej Hospital has endoscopy specialists who can ensure that You can get back to living the life you want faster and more safely.

Thank you for the information: Dr. Patipat Durongpongkasem. Doctor specialized in gastrointestinal and liver diseases at Samitivej Hospital

2024-02-19 06:46:37

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