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Beneficial fruits for the body. What nutritionists recommend to include in your daily diet

Studies have shown over time that fruit is beneficial in preventing various diseases of the body. It seems that people who eat more fruit significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and cancer, writes EatThis, NotThat.

Beneficial fruits for the body

Fruits and vegetables are always the first recommendation when it comes to building a healthy and balanced diet. But with so many options on the market, how do you know which one is right for you? In such situations, the specialists will help you with useful recommendations. Here are the ideal fruits for this summer.


Blueberries are the first choice when it comes to beneficial fruits for the body. They are rich in antioxidants and are the ideal choice to complete a healthy breakfast. Whether you choose to eat them in the morning or at lunch, blueberries will provide you with the nutrients you need for a strong immune system.

Nutritionists recommend eating blueberries at least twice a week. In addition to antioxidants, blueberries also have anti-inflammatory properties. Here is a detailed list of foods that cause inflammation in the body and which it is advisable to avoid. Studies have shown over time that blueberries help improve memory and boost it.


Nothing fits better on the table than a slice of watermelon. Watermelon has a lot of benefits on the body, and its season is just beginning. This summer you should enjoy a tasty and juicy portion of watermelon.

Watermelon is rich in antioxidants and has a high water content. This makes it ideal for weight loss diets. Rich in fiber and vitamins, watermelon quickly gives you the feeling of satiety and helps you have a full stomach for a longer number of hours. If you have decided to have a varied and healthy diet, then watermelon should not be missing from your shopping list.

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