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Benedict XVI was important for Latvia – what the clergy say

This can be clearly seen in Vittorio Messori’s interview with Cardinal Ratzinger, which later appeared in the book “Report on the state of the faith”. (“Faith Report”, 1984). In Latvian, this edition is in typescript only. The Latvian Catholic Church knows his thinking better through various other publications, such as “Light of the World”, the declarations of the Congregation for the Teaching of the Faith “Dominus Jesus” (“Lord Jesus”), “Jesus of Nazareth”, catechesis on ministry of priests and apostles and on the New For the witnesses of the Covenant, as well as the encyclical “Deus caritas est” (“God is love”) and others.

He asked for forgiveness for the victims of pedophilia

Stulpin observes that it was Benedict XVI who was the first to ask for forgiveness from the victims of violence and not only did he ask for forgiveness, but he also met with the victims and their families. Already during his pontificate all the episcopal conferences had to draw up guidelines for the protection of minors.

Although Pope Benedict XVI receives a lot of criticism and attacks for alleged inaction in the fight against sex crimes in the Church, when we delve into his actions, we see that he has done a lot to eradicate these crimes and reduce the consequences of past crimes. While still prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he called for “zero tolerance” of sexual violence by clergy, priest Toms Priedoliņš told the “Delphi” portal through the Information Center of the Latvian Roman Catholic Church.

As prefect of this congregation, Ratzinger, in 2001, signed the new rules of the Church in the fight against pedophilia, contained in the document “De delictis gravioribus”.


It was developed in response to John Paul II’s instructions that all cases relating to pedophilia in the Church be placed under the jurisdiction of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to avoid cover-up attempts.

Five years after his election as Pontiff, in July 2010, Pope Benedict XVI approved changes to these norms, introducing significant innovations: the prescription was extended from ten to twenty years. The procedures are simplified and in the most serious cases the pope can be asked to free the guilty from the clerical state. It is also clarified that “in relation to the transfer of crimes to the competent authorities, civil law must always be respected”.

In May 2011, Benedict XVI published the “Circular of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to help Episcopal Conferences prepare guidelines for dealing with cases of sexual abuse of minors by the clergy”. The letter underlines that the bishop of the diocese is required to ensure an adequate response to possible cases of sexual exploitation of minors. This response includes the establishment of appropriate procedures to assist victims of such abuses, as well as the formation of the ecclesial community in the protection of minors. The instructions established that the application of canon law in this matter had to be foreseen and at the same time civil law had to be taken into account, Priedoliņš notes.

The cleric admits that Benedict XVI was the first pope to “declare war on pedophilia” without being afraid to publicly condemn the clergy directly or indirectly involved in these crimes. If in 2008-2009 In 2011 Benedict XVI exonerated 170 priests who had been convicted of child abuse, then in 2011-2012. In 2015, the number of clergymen released from their positions was 400.

Similarly, Benedict XVI has acted courageously against bishops who have abused their position in various fields, often dismissing them from office, he adds.

He did not consider himself a steward of secular affairs

Doctor of theology, priest of the diocese of Riga Pauls Kļaviņš, through the information center of the Latvian Roman Catholic Church, admits to the “Delphi” portal that the contribution of Pope Benedict XVI to the Church exists in the relationship between faith and mind, which also embraces culture and social processes in society.

In theology, he explained all areas, especially Jesus Christ as evidenced by his three-volume work, as well as the Church in its multifarious holiness, ecumenical relationships and ministries.

Benedict XVI was important for Latvia - what the clergy say
Photo: LETA

Beyond theology in the strict sense, Benedict explained the rational foundations of Western civilization, especially European, in connection with the Christian faith and common sense.

As for the financial scandals, it could be argued that Pope Benedict XVI did not see himself as an efficient enough steward in secular affairs.

His priority was to teach and explain the Christian faith, so it can be assumed that he did not fight the bureaucratic and corrupt aspects of institutions above this earth sufficiently, says Pavlovski.

“Behind the human and sinful superficiality that so attracts sensation seekers, he was the first to perceive the church not as a secular institution, but as a sacred place Jesus Christ an organism in which each of its members, despite their sinfulness, can become and be holy, restored by God’s grace,” Pavlovski sums up.

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