Benedict Cumberbatch, an Oscar nominee and his family, went through a traumatizing incident earlier this month after a knife-wielding man broke onto their property in London and taunted them. The 46-year-old actor, his 45-year-old wife Sophie Hunter and their three young children were inside when the incident occurred. According to reports, a 35-year-old man named Jack Bissell allegedly broke through the front gate of Cumberbatch’s north London property while the family was inside, hiding in terror. Bissell allegedly made threats and comments as he terrorized their outdoor garden and yard. reported that Bissell was later arrested on allegations of breaking into Cumberbatch’s home. During the recently-revealed court reporting of the incident, which was first published on Monday, the man repeatedly screamed a threatening remark towards Cumberbatch’s family, “I know you’ve moved here, I hope it burns down.”. It is unclear why he targeted Cumberbatch’s family. In court, it also came out that Bissell had allegedly bought “two packets of pita bread” from a market near Cumberbatch’s home just before the break-in. There, the store owner reported Bissell told him that he was planning on breaking into the actor’s property in order to “burn it down.”
While he was out in the garden acting unpredictably, the man “pulled out one of the family’s plants and threw it at the garden wall,” before spitting at the intercom. Then, he allegedly “ripped the intercom off the wall” while using a fish knife. The man left the property before police arrived. However, the spit he hurled at the intercom was later used to identify his DNA, and he was arrested.
During a court proceeding on the case, Bissell admitted to doing criminal damage to the Sherlock star’s property. The man was fined £250 and was given a three-year restraining order that bars him from being near Cumberbatch, his family, and their home.
According to a source close to the actor, all of the family was terrified and thought the man was going to get in and hurt them. They have had many sleepless nights since worrying that they may be targeted again. The fact that it was a targeted intrusion makes it all the more scary. The source also stated that the incident has been a traumatizing experience for the family.
This is not the first time Bissell has been arrested. In 2015, he was detained during a protest in central London against military intervention in Syria. He also reportedly had a previous conviction for theft, three warnings for offenses against property, a public order offense, and a drug offense.
The incident highlights the importance of taking safety precautions and being careful while dealing with strangers. Cumberbatch’s family was lucky that the situation did not escalate, but it serves as a warning for others to take their safety seriously and to be cautious when it comes to interacting with strangers. It is important to know who is around you and to report any suspicious activity to the authorities.
The incident should also be a reminder for those dealing with mental health issues to seek help when needed. Bissell clearly had underlying issues that led him to threaten an innocent family. It is essential to recognize the early signs of mental health issues and seek help before the situation escalates.
In conclusion, the incident has been traumatizing for Cumberbatch and his family, and it serves as a reminder for others to be careful and take safety precautions. The incident should also inform authorities and communities to support and help those with mental health issues before situations like this occur.