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Bender Baskets Grünberg suffer third defeat in a row in Women’s Basketball Bundesliga North

(grm). In the 2nd Women’s Basketball Bundesliga North, the Bender Baskets Grünberg suffered their third defeat in a row in the fight to stay in the league. At the TG Neuss Tigers, the Gallusstadt team lost 64:77 (30:43), meaning the Tigers were also able to secure a direct comparison. From Baskets’ perspective, the first quarter once again proved to be a big sticking point:

After ten minutes they were already 12:26 behind – a burden that, as in previous games, proved to be too big.

»Unfortunately we continue to have difficulties starting the game well and defending against big players. Nevertheless, in the end we had our chances, but we missed several open throws – and that’s just bitter!” said Baskets coach Conrad Jackson frustrated.

The game was still balanced in the first three minutes (6:5) before the Tigers gradually took control of the game. Jackson’s fears, who had already warned about the Tigers’ frontcourt, were quickly confirmed: Both Olivia Nash (19 points, 16 rebounds) and Mathilde Diop (17 points, 13 rebounds) dominated under the boards and each had a strong performance Double double on. In addition, a third Tigers player, Johanna Huppertz, had a great day: the 17-year-old sank four three-pointers and was the second-best shooter on her team with 18 points. »Diop and Nash did what they normally do. “Johanna Huppertz, on the other hand, made the difference today,” Jackson also had to acknowledge.

The Baskets initially had little to counter this trio and were therefore 14 points behind after the first period. From the second quarter onwards, however, they picked themselves up, with veterans Tonisha Baker (25 points) and Isabel Meinhart (11 points, 11 rebounds) playing a huge part in this (35:28, 16th). Neuss pulled away to 12 points at halftime, but the Baskets continued to fight and, thanks to Katharina Quapil, reduced the score to 54:62 (33′). However, the Tigers always had an answer ready: Kim Franze, Nash and Diop with three-pointers increased the lead to 69:56 (35th).

The Gallusstadt team managed to get within 60:69 (37th), but subsequently missed several open throws. This punished Diop, who made everything clear at the free throw line. Shortly before the end, the Baskets even had to accept another setback: “Unfortunately, Bake was injured and we will miss him for the time being,” informed Jackson, already looking ahead to the upcoming game: “Next Sunday we are playing at home against Osnabrück. It won’t be easy, but we won’t give up!”

Grünberg: Quapil (10), Herzberger, Brückenotte (7), Jacob, Meinhart (11/1, 11 rebounds), Eulering, Weinand, Schlebusch (8), Arnheiter, Seegräber, Baker (25/3).

Source: Gießener Allgemeine/Marcel Grün

2024-02-20 19:37:11
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