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Bench on corona memorial unveiled by prize winner

Wijchen – On February 14, Mayor Marijke van Beek unveiled municipality of Wijchen and prize winner Mirella Derks the corona memorial. This colorful bench marks the corona memorial on the Meerdreef in Wijchen. A place where people can reflect on and share stories about the events and consequences of the corona crisis. The annoying and sad, but also the beautiful and special moments.

Winner design

The corona bank is the elaboration of a request from councilor Rudy van Haren (Kernachtig Wijchen) to create a memorial for people affected by the COVID pandemic. At the beginning of last year, the municipality launched a competition for the design of a bench for the corona memorial. Mayor Marijke van Beek already planted a heart tree and flower bulbs on October 6, 2020 on the commemorative pick.

Corona Memorial

coronavirus-een-kunstenaar-heeft-de-tekening-van-mirella-in-mozaiek-omgezet-in-een-echte-bank-samen-met-de-burgemeester-onthulde-mirella-derks-deze-op-14-februari">Mirella Derks from Wijchen has made the most beautiful and appropriate design. She has connected comfort, remembrance and COVID in a creative and complete way. For example, the care employees have been given a place in the design, but also motifs of a bird and an image of the corona virus. An artist has converted Mirella’s mosaic drawing into a real sofa. Mirella Derks unveiled this together with the mayor on 14 February.

Place for memories

The impact of COVID has been significant in the past two years. People have become seriously ill or died, people have lost their jobs or have not been able to share or celebrate important events in their lives. Mayor Marijke van Beek explains: “This bench is for all people who need a place to commemorate the events of the past two years. A place to be alone or to share stories with others.”

Attention for each other

The unveiling of the bank was on Valentine’s Day, the day of love. “In addition to a lot of sadness and loneliness, the corona crisis has also created special and beautiful moments; moments of togetherness and extra attention for the other. It is important that we also keep these memories alive.”

Due to the current measures, the disclosure has been kept small.

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