Home » today » Health » Benbouzid inaugurates the cyclotron PET scan center at Mohamed Lamine Debaghine hospital

Benbouzid inaugurates the cyclotron PET scan center at Mohamed Lamine Debaghine hospital

ALGIERS – The Minister of Health, Population and Hospital Reform, Abderrahmane Benbouzid chaired, Saturday in Algiers, along with the Secretary of State in charge of hospital reform, Smaïl Mesbah, the inauguration of the Center cyclotron TEP scan at Mohamed Lamine Debaghine hospital (ex-jersey) in Algiers.

In his speech on the occasion, Mr. Benbouzid underlined that the CHU Mohamed Lamine Debaghine is the first nationally to benefit from developed equipment promoting “good management” of cancer patients, expressing the wish to endow, in the future, other establishments of this medical equipment.

A presentation on the hospital reform will “soon” be submitted to the Government, he said, considering that this reform is now “essential” to adapt to the developments recorded in society, and therefore “to improve the quality of services. lavished on citizens “.

He also cited the endowment of a large number of polyclinics in Algiers with new equipment to improve medical emergencies and lighten the load on large hospitals.

The wali of Algiers, Youcef Chorfa who was also present at the inauguration ceremony affirmed that this new center will have “an important role” in the detection of cancer and the improvement of the care of the sick, stressing that additional funds will be allocated to the health sector in the wilaya, especially for urgent cases.

He also announced the creation of 3 new hospitals in Algiers, working to improve the health services provided to citizens in the wilaya.

Regarding the spread of the pandemic of the new coronavirus, Mr. Chorfa deplored the relaxation observed in recent months among some citizens concerning compliance with preventive measures, calling for caution and vigilance.

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