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Benavente positively values ​​the meeting with representatives of businesses…

The City Council of Benavente has recently met with representatives of the businesses installed in the area around Calle Santa Cruz and Plaza San Francisco.

The councilor for Citizen Security, Fernando Marcos, has appeared before the media to report on the progress of said meeting where the Benavente City Council, represented by the mayor of Benavente, Luciano Huerga, the municipal architect, Elena Ortega, Fernando himself Marcos and the Councilor for Commerce, Sandra Otero, have once again listened to the proposals of the representatives of the establishments to mitigate the possible effects that the redevelopment works on Calle Santa Cruz and Plaza San Francisco may have on the area’s commerce.

Fernando Marcos has recognized that the meeting between both parties has been very positive since they have shared aspects that in past meetings were in opposite positions. From the City Council of Benavente, Fernando Marcos has recognized, the good of all businesses in the area is being sought within the possibilities that legality allows the Consistory and trusts that an understanding will finally be reached that allows the normal development of the project.

One of the points that has generated the most dialogue has been the request of the businesses in the area not to eliminate parking lots, a measure that contemplates the redevelopment project but that the Consistory already manages an alternative with the urbanization of a plot adjoining the Center de Salud Sur, which would free up the spaces currently occupied by vehicles from the Court and the South Health Center, expanding the number of parking spaces above the current 37 in the area.

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