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Ben M’sick authorities organize blood donation campaign

The authorities of the prefecture of the districts of Ben M’sick organized, Monday, a blood donation campaign, intended to replenish the stocks of the regional blood transfusion center of Casablanca.
The operation, supervised by the governor of the prefecture, Mohamed Nouchti, recorded the mobilization of men and agents of authority, officials of the territorial entity and citizens of this vast and dense commune of the economic capital.
In a marquee installed on the esplanade of the headquarters of the prefecture, a unit of the Regional Center received voluntary donors, whose act of generosity is of capital importance in this situation marked by the depletion of reserves of this vital commodity.
Since the outbreak of the health crisis linked to the pandemic of the new coronavirus (Covid-19), several trades from all walks of life have volunteered to fill the large deficit in terms of blood donation, induced by the circumstances of the state of health emergency and the fear of citizens to go to blood transfusion centers.
“Every year, we have become accustomed to organizing this operation, from 1995, in coordination with the health sector and officials,” said Mustapha Badda, head of division at the prefecture.
He welcomed the perfect and close cooperation with the regional blood transfusion center of the Casablanca region to carry out this operation, always preceded by a communication and awareness campaign among the populations.
Donating blood is considered an act of charity and volunteerism aimed at saving human lives, in addition to its multiple benefits on the health of the blood donor, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization
For its part, the Regional Blood Transfusion Center (CRTS) of Marrakech has just launched an urgent appeal to the citizens and inhabitants of the ocher city to donate blood due to a flagrant lack of sufficient quantities of this vital matter at the level of this city of the Kingdom.
“The city of Marrakech shows this week a huge deficit in blood bags due to this exceptional situation and the latest developments in the pandemic in the ocher city which prompted the taking of exceptional measures by the local authorities in order to curb the spread of Covid-19, “said the director of CRTS in Marrakech, Dr. Samira Fezzani.
In a statement to the MAP, she called on the citizens and inhabitants of the ocher city to respond massively to this call in order to compensate for this lack of blood bags, noting that the number of donors has dropped considerably this week while demand on this vital matter has increased.
While stressing that the culture of solidarity is rooted among Moroccans, Samira Fezzani reminded that this gesture of solidarity will save human lives victims of various accidents, hemorrhages or having undergone surgery, as many situations that may require a blood transfusion. And to let people know that the CRTS will remain open every day until 6 p.m. in order to facilitate blood donation operations and give the opportunity to the greatest number of donors to participate in this solidarity and human initiative likely to replenish the stocks of blood at the level of Marrakech.
Dr. Samira Fezanni reminded that the blood collection takes place at the CRTS in strict compliance with the conditions for protecting the safety and health of donors and in accordance with the preventive measures adopted by the competent authorities.

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