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Bemowo Piskie. The shells hit the school grounds and the playground. One fell into the apartment

Bemowo Piskie. Missiles
military hit civilian buildings

A dangerous incident in Bemowo Piskie in Masuria.
As Radio ZET has established, residential buildings located near the military training ground were hit by shells. The Military
Police is currently investigating the incident, but it is known that no one was injured.

Radio ZET reporter Michał Dzienyński reports that On Thursday, exercises of the battalion combat group were planned at the training ground in Orzysz. Soldiers from Romania also participated in them. – Some of the bullets, figuratively speaking, flew outside the shooting range – Colonel Marek Pawlak tells Radio ZET. – Of course, such cases happen – he adds.

The mayor of Biała Piska, Franciszek Romankiewicz, told PAP that it was not about one missile, but “at least several”. – I think there were seven or more of these missiles – a local government official told PAP. He admitted that this type of event is unprecedented.

“The shells fell on the school grounds and playground”

– We will demand explanations from the army as to how it happened that the missiles flew into the city and hit civilian facilities – Romankiewicz told PAP, adding that several missiles hit the facades of residential blocks located about 4 km from the training ground. Shells also fell on the school grounds, on the playground, and damaged the gate to the shop. All the missiles have already been secured
Military Police.

Romankiewicz emphasized that the most serious thing seems to be that one of the bullets flew through the window into the apartment where the tenant was sleeping. – The bullet broke the window and entered the wall. The sleeping person was very scared, and medical assistance was provided because of this. But he is fine now, the man does not report that he wants to be moved to another apartment. However, the window needs to be replaced and the wall needs to be repaired – said the mayor.

Incident at the range. “This never happened”

The mayor of Biała Piska emphasized that although the projectiles fired from the training ground “did not cause much material damage,” the incident itself is very disturbing to him as a local government official. – People who live in Biała Piska are used to the sounds of shooting, to the fact that there are almost constant exercises at the training ground. But this has never been associated with incidents of this type – he emphasized.

“Last night at the Bemowo Piskie shooting range of the Orzysz training ground, during allied shooting involving Romanian soldiers, ricochets damaged a building located near the shooting range. No one was injured,” the RSZ General Command reported. “All losses will be compensated as soon as possible,” it was assured.

The NATO Battalion Battle Group, which is stationed in Bemowo Piskie, consists of soldiers from the United States, Great Britain, Romania and Croatia. On a daily basis, the NATO Battalion Battle Group cooperates with the 15th Giżycko Mechanized Brigade.

Source: Radio ZET/ Michał Dzienyński Radio ZET/ Joanna Kiewisz-Wojciechowska (PAP)

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