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BEM support from Surabaya for BEM UI regarding Jokowi’s criticism

Surabaya, CNN Indonesia

Student Executive Board (GOOD) Universitas Airlangga (Unair), Surabaya, East Java, supports the BEM action of the University of Indonesia (UI), who hurled sharp criticisms at Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Unair BEM chairman Muhammad Abdul Chaq said that his party also appreciated BEM UI’s move because it had dared to express criticism firmly to the government.

“In principle, we will continue to show solidarity with other friends to convey criticism and feedback to the government. We also appreciate the attitude taken by BEM UI for daring to criticize firmly and vulgarly,” said Chaq, to CNNIndonesia.com, Tuesday (29/6).

His party, said Chaq, is also carrying out similar actions like BEM UI, such as conducting a study of actual issues and government policies. This is not the first time he has done this, but has been held regularly among students.

“Of course, by consistently conducting studies on actual issues, including uploading as a form of support,” he said.

He also questioned the attitude of the antipathetic parties to the BEM UI action. Some of them who are suspected of antipathy are lecturers at UI Ade Armando, buzzers (buzzer) allegedly pro-regime, even the Rectorate of UI.

Countless days, the UI Rector is known to have summoned the BEM UI management to clarify the purpose of the thread upload that insinuated Jokowi as a The King of Lip Service. So far, CNNIndonesia.com have not received a response regarding the summons from the UI rectorate–either from the rector himself, or the campus public relations ranks.

Meanwhile, Chaq assessed that the attitude of the UI Rector which reactionary called the UI BEM crew was a form of panic. The action is also a form of silencing the critical space and students’ freedom of expression

“Besides the form of panic, we see the summons as an effort to limit critical thinking and freedom of expression,” he said.

“The campus should be a space that guarantees that. If there is a wrong substance, then create dialogue spaces so that the public is more educated,” he added.

Previously, in a thread upload on social media, BEM UI insinuated Jokowi as the king of lip service. They have attached the label because they see that the policy of the president, who is now entering his second term, always contradicts his own statement.

BEM UI alluded to Jokowi’s statement so that the people demonstrated. However, they revealed the fact that the apparatus acted repressively in the face of mass demonstrations.

They also mentioned a number of Jokowi’s promises, such as strengthening the KPK, inviting the people to sue the Ciptaker Law, and revising the rubber article of the ITE Law. BEM UI considers the promises to be just a hoax.

As a result of this criticism, the leadership of BEM UI was summoned by the UI Rector. They were called on Sunday (27/6). The UI Rectorate gesture also made Jokowi raise his voice. According to him, the campus does not need to prevent students from expressing themselves. On the one hand, he also reminded about etiquette.


[Gambas:Video CNN]


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