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Bellanova: «Other than reviewing the Jobs Act, the priority is to restart the country»

ROME – The tone seems to have changed. But on the merits of the measures and on the method, with which Giuseppe Conte holds the majority together, the Agriculture Minister Teresa Bellanova makes it clear that the Renzians of Italy alive will fight at the verification table.

Leu will ask to review the Jobs Act and restore article 18, abolished by the Renzi government. Is there a possible point of understanding for you?
“Of course there is, restarting work and the economy. The priority is this, do not mess around with the Jobs Act that the job created it. You don’t need slogans, you need solutions ».

What will happen to the workhorses of the previous government, citizenship income and Quota 100?
«If two measures, which block enormous resources, do not work and do not create jobs, asking for verification is the minimum. I continue to think that the right one was the Rei system while income confirms itself as a welfare measure, which feeds black people “.

And Quota 100, should it be abolished?
“Can the defender explain to us what he produced? Women and most people with precarious work paths, nor those who have done arduous jobs, do not enter it. It is a measure for the few that young people will pay for. ”

What are the points of the program that Italia viva wants to renegotiate?
«First of all the method, equal dignity among all political forces. On the merits we have only one obsession, to restart the country-system. Italy shock means this. The resources are there, they must be unlocked immediately ».

Also for Agriculture?
“Tomorrow (today for those who read, ed) we will present the national strategy on water saving and the fight against hydrogeological instability. In 2020 we kick off infrastructure for 500 million, a taste of what it can represent Italy shock and the healthy shock that will lead to work, economy and territories ».

Where will you find the money to cut IRPEF again?
“We ask for total simplification and massive reduction of the tax burden for those who work and produce.”

Di Maio and Zingaretti have signed a deal for two to be the architrave of the majority. Nothing to complain about?
“And of what? If they felt this need, they did well. ”

Are you also happy with the proportional electoral law with a 5% threshold, on which the two leaders have agreed?
«We would have preferred other solutions, but that’s okay too. If Pd and 5 Stars arrive at the coalition table with a shared proposal, it will mean that from a strategic alliance they have become a single subject ».

When the famous check is made, will Renzi sit with Conte at the majority table?
«It seems to me that Renzi himself excluded him. As you know, the 5 stars had vetoed it. Renzi is a serious person, he cares about the country, the quality of the government, the stability of the majority. It must not challenge anyone ».

How is the Conte government moving on the international scene after the killing of Soleimani?
“We are obviously paying for the progressive isolation of our country. We had a government that had zero credibility in Brussels. It is a matter of recovering, also with the occasion of a new European Commission. There is a defining point, Europe must want to count. “

On the Milleproroghe the majority risks?
«The rule on motorway concessions is wrong. We have already said this in the Council of Ministers. And in the halls of Parliament we will vote against ».

Daily fact” of yesterday ironically: «Renzi wishes the Conte bis long life so Mattarella can start consultations». Do you feel like going to vote?
«We want to restart the country. The rest is chatter ».

January 7, 2020 (change January 7, 2020 | 10:53 pm)


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