Home » Entertainment » Belgium’s Transformation from Misery to Gold: Geert Hoste’s Ironic View on the World

Belgium’s Transformation from Misery to Gold: Geert Hoste’s Ironic View on the World

BVIEvery week, Geert Hoste (63) gives his own unique and ironic view of the world in ‘Dag Allemaal’.

It’s turning into a beautiful autumn. The cemeteries of the Westhoek were declared a world heritage site. The battlefields of the last century were upgraded. Disaster tourism with a golden edge. Visitors from all over the world will now finally buy peace chocolates. Belgium is well on its way to turning misery into gold nuggets. We are waiting for a film in which Barbie appears at the Menin Gate or a Netflix series of Emily in Ypres. Flemish resilience.

And by extension also below the language border, because Marc Dutroux’s house has also been demolished and became a memorial garden. I cannot wait for the outcome of the parliamentary investigation committee into Operation Kelk and the abuse in the church. It would not surprise me if it were announced that all Flemish churches and monasteries where child abuse has taken place will be demolished and replaced by parks and flower meadows. Then all of Flanders will be restored to its original state: the earthly paradise, heaven on earth. Also low in nitrogen.

After the somewhat annoying rumors about the church’s problems, spectacular renovations have been announced from Kerkstraat to Sint-Pietersplein. For example, a letter has already been read from the pulpit. If that isn’t an important step forward! And modernization has been announced internationally: the Popemobile will become electric. And: women in the church get promoted! The nuns will be entitled to two paternosters and will from now on be allowed to wash with warm water. The latter came at the insistence of Gwendolyn Rutten.

Talking about holy fathers and annoying rumors and problems. It becomes clear to me that there is a major conspiracy against demigod Conner Rousseau, the Donald Trump of Sint-Niklaas. You don’t need artificial intelligence to see that everyone is conspiring against this new messiah. It has come a long way when you are no longer allowed to make racist comments when you are fed up and you are no longer allowed to threaten police officers with a hangover. Nothing is allowed in this country anymore. After all, the facts are the facts, even if they are complicated. In this case it concerns an official report that does not exist and has disappeared at the same time. This can be proven with unrecorded recordings. That non-existent and missing official report was incorrectly leaked by no one to anyone. I’ll put it on a note: procedural errors.


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2023-10-15 11:00:00
#COLUMN #Geert #Hoste #big #conspiracy #demigod #Conner #Rousseau #Donald #Trump #SintNiklaas

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