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Belgium Takes Steps to Protect Sex Workers with Employment Contracts

Belgium Takes Steps to Protect Sex Workers with Employment Contracts

In a groundbreaking move, the Belgian government has passed a bill that allows sex workers to sign employment contracts with approved employers. This new legislation aims to provide better protection for sex workers against abuse and exploitation. The bill, which was validated by the Council of Ministers on Friday, ensures that sex workers will have access to social security coverage, including health insurance, maternity leave, unemployment rights, and retirement benefits.

The employment contracts will not only guarantee social security coverage but also establish a clear framework for working hours and remuneration. Employers will be required to fulfill certain obligations, such as providing emergency call buttons in every room where work is carried out. This measure aims to ensure the safety of sex workers by allowing them to alert a reference person if necessary.

To be approved by the authorities, employers must present their criminal records and have a registered office or operation in Belgium. They must also respect the freedoms of the workers and provide a secure environment. Workers will have the right to refuse sexual partners or specific sexual acts without fear of dismissal.

The decriminalization of prostitution in Belgium last year was welcomed by associations, but they emphasized the need for a clear framework to protect sex workers from exploitation and insecurity at work. This new legislation is seen as a step in the right direction to address these concerns.

Belgium claims to be the first European country to decriminalize sex work and the second in the world after New Zealand. Estimates suggest that there are at least 7,000 sex workers practicing in a visible manner in Belgium, with some estimates reaching up to 25,000 workers, with women comprising the majority.

The move to offer employment contracts to sex workers is seen as a progressive step towards recognizing sex work as legitimate work and ensuring the rights and safety of those involved in the industry.

What specific requirements must employers meet in order to be approved and provide employment contracts to sex workers in Belgium

Belgium Makes Strides in Protecting Sex Workers with Employment Contracts

Belgium has taken a ground-breaking approach to protect sex workers by passing a bill that allows them to sign employment contracts with approved employers. This new legislation aims to provide better safeguards for sex workers, safeguarding them against abuse and exploitation. The bill, sanctioned by the Council of Ministers last Friday, guarantees that sex workers will have access to social security coverage, including health insurance, maternity leave, unemployment benefits, and retirement provisions.

These employment contracts not only ensure social security coverage, but also establish clear guidelines for working hours and wages. Employers will be obliged to meet specific requirements, such as providing emergency call buttons in every room where work takes place. This measure is designed to enhance the safety of sex workers by allowing them to alert a designated person if necessary.

Employers seeking approval from the authorities must present their criminal records and have a registered office or operation in Belgium. They must also respect the autonomy of the workers and maintain a secure working environment. Workers will have the right to refuse clients or specific sexual acts without fear of being fired.

The decriminalization of prostitution in Belgium last year received positive feedback from organizations, but they stressed the need for a clear framework to protect sex workers from exploitation and job insecurity. This new legislation is seen as a step in the right direction to address these concerns.

Belgium claims to be the first European country to decriminalize sex work, following in the footsteps of New Zealand which became the first in the world to do so. Estimates indicate that there are at least 7,000 visibly practicing sex workers in Belgium, with some estimates suggesting numbers as high as 25,000, with women making up the majority.

Offering employment contracts to sex workers is seen as a progressive move towards recognizing sex work as legitimate employment and ensuring the rights and safety of those involved in the industry.

2 thoughts on “Belgium Takes Steps to Protect Sex Workers with Employment Contracts”

  1. It’s encouraging to see Belgium taking proactive measures to safeguard the rights and well-being of sex workers through employment contracts. Such initiatives not only provide legal protection but can also help tackle stigma, improve working conditions, and ensure better access to healthcare and support services. It’s a step towards recognizing the dignity and agency of sex workers and fostering a more inclusive society.

  2. This is a commendable development by Belgium, recognizing the rights and well-being of sex workers. Employment contracts not only offer protection but also help empower individuals in this profession, ensuring safer working conditions and access to essential benefits. Kudos to Belgium for taking proactive steps towards inclusivity and safeguarding the rights of all workers.


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