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Belgium Reports 100,000 Long Covid Patients: Calls for Recognition and Treatment

According to the latest figures from Sciensano, there are currently 100,000 long covid patients in Belgium. Although that is still an underestimate according to Van Looy. “There are no exact figures, because it is not registered. The count is therefore based on estimates. In other countries, such as the United Kingdom, these estimates are much higher.”

43-year-old Van Looy has been ill for three years. “I live alone with my 8-year-old daughter. That is difficult, because I am in a wheelchair and I am 99 percent housebound. For example, I cannot take her to school or play with her. And that is also difficult for her. When we see pictures from before I got sick, she sometimes says she wants that mommy back. I feel so bad that I can’t do that.”

Recognition and treatment

The action group asks for recognition for long covid, but also for diseases such as ME/CFS that have many similar symptoms. Because few people are aware of the different diseases.

They also strive for more research and appropriate treatment. Because there isn’t one yet, says Van Looy. “Rehabilitation therapy is now offered, but many of the patients become even sicker as a result. We want outpatient clinics to be established.”

Due to the lack of treatments, many patients are desperately looking for alternatives. “There are certain treatments circulating in many groups that can help. But they are not always recognized and therefore not reimbursed,” says co-founder and long covid patient Nancy Moons.

2024-03-17 16:07:10
#years #lockdown #long #covid #patients #manifest #Kunstberg

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