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Belgians Show Overwhelming Support for Nuclear Energy in New Poll

Belgians have never been so positive about the maintenance of the current nuclear reactors and the expansion of nuclear energy. This is evident from a new poll by the Nuclear Forum, the association of companies and professional organizations in the nuclear sector.

The poll was conducted among a thousand Belgians. Approximately 85 percent of those surveyed believe that nuclear energy has a place in the electricity mix of the future, more specifically in the years after 2025. This figure is significantly higher than in previous surveys in 2017 (30 percent), 2019 (46 percent) and 2021 (43 percent).

For the Belgian, an extension of the lifespan of Doel 4 and Tihange 3 by ten years is not sufficient. About 86 percent of Belgians would like to see all reactors extended, provided that the FANC judges that this can be done safely and that the necessary technical upgrades are carried out. Eight in ten Belgians also want to extend the reactors for more than ten years, as long as this is safe. Even for three quarters, a reopening of the recently closed nuclear reactors Tihange 2 and Doel 3 is not a taboo.

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The poll also shows that support for new nuclear energy has increased among Belgians. When asked whether our country should build new nuclear power stations, seven out of ten Belgians answer positively. In 2019 and 2021, that percentage was much lower, at 63 and 48 percent respectively. The majority of respondents (87 percent) want our country to invest in SMRs, smaller and simplified nuclear reactors that are more flexible and safer than the current large nuclear power plants.

Finally, 13 percent want to keep the nuclear step law in its current form. For a large part of the population, the approach to the energy dossier and the party position on nuclear energy will also influence their choice in the voting booth next year.

Also read:

Belgium, together with other countries, will focus on faster development of small nuclear power plants

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2023-11-08 20:33:51
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