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Belgians Embrace Holiday Travel: Record Number Seek Sun in Spain and Beyond

The Christmas holidays are beginning, and many Belgians will be taking the holiday route. Some will go as far as the Alps, others will seek the sun in the south of France. But the number of Belgians who will take the plane to seek the sun in Spain or elsewhere has never been so high. The crazy success of the holidays continues, after a record-breaking All Saints’ Day holiday, Christmas is following suit. TUI records an increase in reservations of 12%, a figure which rises to 15% at Neckermann.

And it’s the holidays in the sun that are the most popular. This can be explained in particular by the gray and rainy weather that we have been experiencing in Belgium since mid-October. “No less than 61% of TUI travelers will go to warmer countries this Christmas. Traditionally, many travelers head out for the sun in winter but this year, with the gloomy autumn months, interest is even greater. There is a 12% increase in air vacations compared to the 2022 Christmas break. One in two travelers chose Spain. The vast majority of them will travel to the Canary Islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria which guarantee high temperatures. Spain records 19% more reservations than a year ago, but other winners stand out this year: Tunisia, very cheap (+66%), Cape Verde, quality sunny destination ( +37%) and the Dominican Republic with exotic beaches (+36%),” explains TUI.

Good snow cover benefits the French Alps

At Neckermann, we observed an increase in reservations of 15% despite a price increase of 12% on average. And distant – and therefore more expensive – destinations are very popular. “Exotic destinations such as the Dominican Republic, the Netherlands Antilles and the United Arab Emirates are in high demand. Among the numerous departure airports offered by Neckermann, customers are increasingly opting for a departure located outside Belgium (among others: Amsterdam and Düsseldorf). This often allows them to save several hundred euros on these destinations,” we learn.

And stays in the mountains are not left out. The very good snow cover in the resorts most popular with Belgians is certainly the cause. “The first snows in the Alps allowed the winter sports season to start earlier than usual,” recalls Neckermann. For its part, TUI mentions some figures. “16% of TUI travelers will go skiing. Two thirds of them will go to the French Alps, the favorite destination for winter sports enthusiasts for years.”

City trips: London in the lead, spectacular increase for New York

Finally, city trips are also on the rise, in Europe and elsewhere. “London continues its recovery after experiencing a historic low with Brexit. Paris must even give up its first place to the British capital. For the first time, New York appears in the top 5. It records a spectacular increase of 60% compared to last year and is even ahead of the classics like Prague, Vienna or Berlin,” adds TUI.

2023-12-24 07:16:00
#crazy #success #Christmas #holidays #confirmed #reservations #York #attracts #crowds #sunny #destinations #hit #DHLes #Sports

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