Passwords and other documents that you do not quickly file with a notary, but should you suddenly die or become incapacitated by consent, this will make the activities of the notary simpler and less expensive.
Was my first thought too. My relatives do not know my passwords from the email and social media accounts. I don’t like having them lying around on a note, so this tool would be a handy solution for that, provided, and it is a big one, their security is in order.
I see little reason why this should be online. I think this is much better to just arrange offline …
@When To make an appointment with a notary every time because you change your passwords every month, the notary would like to see it happen, as it is a free service.
You could also opt for a bank vault, but then the next of kin must already know at which bank, and preferably also the safe code.
I once experienced it with a childless great aunt. In the house papers were found from various banks, but was she still connected there everywhere? So the notary had to write to all banks (in Belgium) to find out whether the lady was still a client. And if there is a safe, you still have to pay the bank to have the safe opened if you don’t know a code.
Another option is to only place the login details of an offline home server in that app, and that all your other documents are safely on your own server.