Home » today » News » BELAWAN GROWS, Houses of Worship Almost Burned, Residents Attack Each Other Witnessed by Belawan Police Chief

BELAWAN GROWS, Houses of Worship Almost Burned, Residents Attack Each Other Witnessed by Belawan Police Chief

TRIBUN-MEDAN.COM, MEDAN – War between villages broke out on Jalan Medan Belawan Km 20.5, Belawan Bahari Village, Medan Belawan District, Tuesday (20/7/2021) night.

In this clash, the church was almost burned by a group of people.

From the video circulating on social media, it is stated that the clash took place Tuesday (20/7/2021) night until Wednesday (21/7/2021) in the morning.

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Police officers descended on the location of the clashes in the Belawan area, Tuesday (20/7/2021) night. One church unit was almost burned down.(HO) (HO)

During the clashes, hundreds of motorcyclists threw stones at each other and fired rocket firecrackers.

Visible residents who fought had burned the tire patch business owned by local residents.

When the riots broke out, the residents involved in the clashes ignored the presence of the Belawan Police Chief, Commissioner Daniel Naibaho.

According to eyewitnesses who asked for anonymity, the youths involved in the clashes had tried to burn down the church.

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“Last night was so tense, it started with a group of youths who wanted to burn a house of worship and destroy several shops,” said the witness, Wednesday (21/7/2021).

The witness said that those involved in the clashes had prepared machetes and homemade weapons.

“The police have tried to break up and fired tear gas, but they were ignored. Until finally the police mobilized Brimob to come down to resolve the dispute,” said the witness.

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