Home » today » World » Belarusians again en masse on the streets against President Lukashenko, police use flash grenades

Belarusians again en masse on the streets against President Lukashenko, police use flash grenades

It has been clear for some time that Lukashenko will not just resign, and the demonstrators are probably also realizing by now. But the use of violence does not seem to be diminishing either. The demonstration in Minsk in the end again degenerated into confrontations with the police, in which the security forces used flash grenades to confuse and disperse the demonstrators.

There are also images of men with wounds from rubber bullets and there are even reports of gunshots, but these have not been confirmed for the time being. The Belarusian Ministry of Defense says it is investigating the reports. Earlier, the Lukashenko regime threatened to use real bullets. According to the Interior Ministry, the protests are becoming a “terrorist threat”.

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