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Belarus. The Polish Chancellery of the Prime Minister will invite the leaders of Polish parties to talks

  • The European Union does not recognize the results of the presidential elections in this country, according to the communiqué of the head of the European Council a few days ago
  • According to independent media estimates, the number of participants in yesterday’s protest in Minsk may have exceeded 100,000. The boldest estimates say even 250,000. people
  • Michał Dworczyk announced a cross-party meeting to report on the activities of the Polish government on Belarus. Political leaders will receive invitations today

– We will report on the activities carried out so far on the international and national forums on Belarus – announced Dworczyk. The head of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery emphasized that, in the government’s opinion, the Belarus issue should be removed from the framework of the daily political dispute.

The meeting on the situation in Belarus will be held on Wednesday. The leaders of Polish political parties will receive an invitation today.

The European Union does not recognize the results of the elections in Belarus

We want to make it clear to the Lukashenka regime that we need to sit down to talks that will lead to the democratization of Belarus – Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said after the summit of EU leaders. The European Union does not recognize the results of the presidential elections in this country, according to the communiqué of the head of the European Council

– The entire European Council unequivocally condemned the conduct of the elections in Belarus. They should be repeated so that they can be considered fair, free and democratic, said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki after the EU summit on Belarus.

– We strongly support the sanctions against the people who acted against the demonstrators in Belarus. However, we do not want Belarusian society to suffer as a result of these sanctions, said the head of the Polish government.

– You cannot lead to external interventions. I mean Russia. The democratization process must be in the hands of the Belarusian people. Each society wants to decide about its fate – he emphasized.

When asked about the anti-Polish rhetoric of Aleksandr Lukashenka, the prime minister stated that the President of Belarus was looking for an external enemy at a time of crisis. – We respect and support a sovereign and independent Belarus with all our strength. Our aid is only meant to strengthen this sovereignty, he said.

– As part of normal, routine activities, of course, we are recognizing what is happening abroad and there are no reasons for concern at the moment – he said, referring to the information about the regrouping of Belarusian troops at the border with Poland.

“The situation in Belarus is becoming more and more concerned”

Last week, the Polish Prime Minister asked for a videoconference with the participation of EU member states’ leaders in connection with the crisis in Belarus.

Charles Michel, President of the European Council, said that EU leaders did not recognize the results of the presidential elections in Belarus. “We call on the authorities to stop the violence,” he added.

– The situation in Belarus is becoming more and more concerned. The EU expresses solidarity with Belarusians, we do not accept impunity, he said.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced that “all those responsible for violence, repression and forgery will be subject to sanctions.” It includes for a ban on entry to the EU and a freezing of financial assets.

The European Commission will allocate 53 million euros to help Belarusians: 50 million for help related to the coronavirus pandemic, 2 million for victims of repression and 1 million for free media.

The current situation in Belarus

Another demonstration took place in Belarus on Sunday, where protesters expressed their opposition to the rigged presidential elections. The demonstrations that have lasted for two weeks are also an expression of support for the changes that Belarusians want for their country.

According to estimates by independent media, the number of protesters could exceed 100,000. The boldest estimates say even 250,000. people.

Militia trucks and buses appeared in the center of Minsk, and videos of military vehicles driving towards Minsk were published on social media.

The Belarusian defense ministry warned that “any riots in the vicinity of monuments and places of national remembrance will no longer be reacted by law enforcement but by the army”. However, there was no intervention by the security forces. There is no information about detentions.

OMON officers in bulletproof vests have fenced off, among others access to the president’s administration buildings in the city center. Access to the Palace of the Republic on October Square and other buildings was also blocked.

According to estimates by independent media, the number of protesters could exceed 100,000. The boldest estimates say even 250,000. people.

Militia trucks and buses appeared in the center of Minsk, and videos of military vehicles driving towards Minsk were published on social media.

The Belarusian defense ministry warned that “any riots in the vicinity of monuments and places of national remembrance will no longer be reacted by law enforcement but by the army”. However, there was no intervention by the security forces. There is no information about detentions.

OMON officers in bulletproof vests have fenced off, among others access to the president’s administration buildings in the city center. Access to the Palace of the Republic on October Square and other buildings was also blocked.

“She’s not yours” – a poster with this slogan was carried by young people in the center of Minsk. They mean Belarus. “It is ours!” – they chanted. This was a reference to the words of the president who announced that “Belarus is ours, beloved, and does not give up to the beloved.”

The thousands of people protest on Plac Niepodległości turned into a march that headed towards the Palace of Independence through the Prospect of Winners. A cordon of security forces appeared on the way to the president’s seat. The demonstrators approached him and then turned back.

A presidential helicopter flew over the protesters, information about the evacuation of Alexander Lukashenka from Minsk appeared. It turned out that the leader had flown to his seat.

Protests were also held from many other cities in Belarus. Residents want, among others release of political prisoners and new presidential elections.

You can read about what happened during the protests in Minsk in our live coverage.


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