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Belarus. Jarosław Jakimowicz in Brest. “Ultimately irresponsible”

For several days, a former TVP journalist from the PiS government has been visiting Belarus. He has already seen Brest, Grodno and Mińsk, and was also in Stare Wasyliszki, where Czesław Niemen was born.

Although Poland is currently conducting a hybrid war on the border with the regime of Lukashenko, who cooperates with Putin, this does not stop Jarosław Jakimowicz from admiring, among others, local roads and city streets.

Belarus. Jarosław Jakimowicz delighted. “It’s cleaner here”

His profile also includes a photo with the “Moscow 1026 km” sign and the Vladimir Lenin monument in Minsk. “This is what Monday evening looks like in the usual places of Brest. Do you feel the regime and the bide? In our democracy, this is great,” ironized the former host of the program in “W Kontra”.

“Pay attention to this huge difference in the roads, their Belarusian ones and ours. The first, disgusting difference is that they built these roads with their own money and cheaper. We have to repay the loan for crap that is many times more expensive and pay with sovereignty. There is no other difference. Here it is even clearer, that is, what did the European Union give us? A huge debt and nothing more,” he added in the next entry.

Later, Jakimowicz said that people who have never visited Belarus should not comment on it.

Jarosław Jakimowicz in Belarus. “Irresponsible”

The OKO.press portal noted that Jakimowicz “probably allowed himself to be persuaded to take part in a propaganda campaign that Belarus has been using quite often recently.” A similar theory was put forward by Jacek Dobrzyński, press spokesman for the Minister Coordinator of Special Services.

– I have been warning for a long time that the Belarusian services are doing everything to attract Polish citizens to their propaganda. It’s hard to believe that some people willingly participate in the activities of hostile services, he commented in an interview with the portal.

A few months ago, there was much talk about the case of former judge Tomasz Szmydt, who fled to Minsk and is now also repeating Russian propaganda.

Belarusian activist and oppositionist Franciszak Viachorka also commented on Jakimowicz’s departure. – It is extremely irresponsible to encourage people to go to Belarus, knowing that people are detained every day – both Belarusians and Poles. This is a simple trap that breaks human lives and human fates – he said in an interview with “Fakt”.

Wiaczorka said he calls such people “useful idiots.” – In dictatorships it is always clean, everything is always lit, various fires sparkle. It is very easy for dictatorships to hide the real reality behind these flashes, these colors, the oppositionist emphasized, adding that “Lukashenko is a master at painting pretty pictures.” – This does not prove human freedom and normality of life of simple Belarusians – he concluded.

In recent years, Jakimowicz hosted the programs “W Kontrze” and “Pytanie na Śniadanie. Extra” on TVP and TVP Info, but also actively commented on current events in “#Jedziemy”; Michał Rachoń’s program. Due to many complaints from people working at TVP, as well as his numerous controversial statements on TVP2 and TVP Info and in social media, he was dismissed by Telewizja Polska in July 2023.

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