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Being Skinny Reveals a Man with Diabetes who is Lazy: Overeating and Going Up Stairs Asthma Reveals Cardiovascular Blockage.

A 50-year-old diabetic patient in Taiwan sought medical attention due to sudden weight loss. After examination, he found that his fasting blood sugar was over 300 mg/dL. Later, he found that he would suffer from shortness of breath when climbing stairs. After a detailed examination, he found two blood vessels in his heart. already blocked. According to the treating doctor, blood sugar is closely related to coronary heart disease, and suffering from diabetes is actually equivalent to “a stroke”. He appeals to diabetic patients not to underestimate it.

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Thinking that diabetes is under control and asthma reveals heart blockage

Liu Pengchi, a specialist in family medicine in Taiwan, shared the above case on the program “Health 2.0”. He pointed out that a well-built male patient in his 50s knew that he had a blood sugar problem, but he ignored it until suddenly He was so thin that his wife went to the hospital for an examination because he was worried that he might have cancer.

At that time, the patient calmly thought that he lost weight because of diabetes, and believed that he was fine. However, after the doctor’s examination, he found that his fasting blood sugar had exceeded 300mg/dL, and he needed insulin to control his condition. According to data, if the fasting blood sugar level is higher than 126mg/dL, it can be regarded as suffering from diabetes.

However, the patient believed that he had medication, and went home to continue to eat without restraint. It was not until later that I realized that I was short of breath when going up the stairs, so I went to the doctor again for examination. An echocardiogram found that the patient had quite a lot of “calcification points” in the coronary arteries. After being transferred to the cardiology department, it was confirmed that “both blood vessels were blocked.”

Dr. Liu said that in fact, blood sugar and coronary heart disease are closely related. Usually, 1/3 of diabetic patients will have high blood pressure at the same time, and 2/3 of them will have hyperlipidemia. In the past, studies have pointed out that “diabetes is equivalent to a stroke”, or similar to having a cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease. Liu Pengchi reminded diabetic patients to be particularly careful.

Diabetes Causes + Symptoms

Hong Kong endocrinology and diabetes specialist Huang Zhuoli once accepted an interview with “Sky Post” and pointed out that diabetes is a chronic disease. When the insulin secreted by the pancreas is insufficient, or the insulin cannot function, the blood sugar will be abnormally high, leading to diabetes.

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Generally speaking, the early symptoms of diabetes are not obvious. The most common symptoms are abnormal thirst, frequent urination, easy fatigue, weight loss, blurred vision, etc. Some patients may not have obvious symptoms. Dr. Huang pointed out that people with a family history of diabetes, obese people, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and gestational diabetes are all high-risk people for diabetes. He also reminded people over the age of 35 to have their blood sugar tested even if they have no high-risk factors and no symptoms. It may be too late to do the test when symptoms are found.

Diabetics should control their weight

Dr. Huang suggested that diabetic patients should control their weight well. Those who are obese or overweight (that is, BMI (Body Mass Index) higher than 25 or 23m2/kg respectively) should lose 5-10% of their body weight first, which will help blood sugar control . In terms of exercise, he suggested at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise on 5 days a week; diet can reduce carbohydrate intake, choose more fresh ingredients and vegetables, eat less processed products, and use vegetable oils, seed oils (such as Olive oil, canola oil, etc.) are the main cooking oils, which are healthier.

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Written by: Chen Xiaozi

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2023-05-26 06:06:43

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