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Being silent every now and then doesn’t hurt huh

What has been declared by Andrea Bocelli during his speech in the Senate, held on Monday 27 July, it certainly did not go unnoticed and the words of the tenor immediately raised a strong controversy. Among those who wanted to express their dissent for what happened, it also appears Fedez, who hit Twitter against the singer.

Fedez’s controversy

Fedez certainly does not send them to say and, as has happened on other occasions, he is not afraid to freely express what he thinks is right and what is not. In the face of denial theories on the Covid19 pandemic, the Milanese rapper who also contributed to the construction of an intensive care unit in one of the areas most affected by the incidence of the virus, wanted to have his say by taking as an example an 18-year-old boy who he contracted the disease, refuting the tenor’s argument that, according to the former judge of X Factor, he spoke out of turn. On Twitter, in fact, he writes:

If you don’t know anyone who has been in intensive care and you allow yourself to instill the doubt that the pandemic was science fiction, I present a friend of mine who causes Covid had to undergo a lung transplant at the age of 18. Then silence every now and then does not hurt huh

A not indifferent thrust towards the well-known face of Italian music who declared that “he had not known anyone who had gone to intensive care” and, consequently, the pandemic itself would have been perceived in a much more serious way than it actually was . Moreover, Bocelli said he violated the prohibitions imposed during the lockdown, a period that imposed a forced imprisonment precisely to avoid that the infections could increase exponentially. The tenor then said: “There was a time when I felt humiliated and offended by the deprivation of freedom to leave the house without committing a crime and I must confess publicly that I disobeyed this ban which did not seem fair and healthy to me. “

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