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Beijing trains martial arts soldiers for the Indian border

BEIJING The Chinese People’s Liberation Army announces the sending of martial arts instructors to the Tibetan plateau, not far from the disputed border with India. No explanation is given, but the link to the link seems clear bare-handed battle fought on June 15 in a Himalayan valley, cost the lives of 20 Indian soldiers. Beijing wants to be ready for new confrontations and intends to train front-line departments in hand-to-hand combat.

Chinese state television reported the station in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, of twenty martial arts instructors recruited from the best of the Enbo fight Club. The battle in the Galwan Valley, at 4,000 meters high, was fierce. From the reconstructions of New Delhi it is clear that Indian patrols have launched an assault on the positions held by the Chinese, who for months had been entrenching themselves and creating advanced fortifications along the uncertain Line of Actual Control that divides the two rival parts. A 1996 agreement between the two commands prohibits the use of firearms and explosives, precisely to reduce the risk of casualties.

But soldiers use improper weapons, such as iron clubs, often face each other with stone strokes. An Indian official said, returning from the deadly melee of June 15: Our retreating men were also hunted down and hit by the Chinese; among the dead, there are some who threw themselves into the Galwan River to escape pursuit. The Chinese had organized themselves into “death squads”. Some of the injured who stayed overnight on the field died of frostbite. The Indians believe that the Chinese have already employed in the battle of the valley of Galwan military experts in the discipline of martial arts, a traditional form of training in the People’s Liberation Army.

New Delhi ranks in the high mountain troop area, the only ones capable of resisting in extreme climatic conditions that wear out the body and lungs. Beijing kept a low profile, denying that it had in turn fallen into the clash. Indian sources say that the Chinese have also lost about twenty soldiers. The Chinese press claims that it did not report on the matter out of a sense of responsibility, to give diplomacy time to defuse the outbreak of tension. Senior officials of the two sides met and negotiated a new stasis in operations.

But newly published satellite photos have highlighted the construction of new fortified outposts by the Chinese in recent months and penetration roads accessible by tanks on the Indian side. China and India faced off in open war in 1962, New Delhi’s army suffered a humiliating defeat and that of Beijing settled in the Aksai Chin region. The last deaths of this Himalayan challenge between two nuclear powers had been counted 45 years ago.

June 28, 2020 (change June 28, 2020 | 12:23)


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