Home » today » News » Beijing strictly prohibits medical institutions from refusing transportation, refusing diagnosis, refusing treatment, and queuing for fever clinics to be checked within half an hour_China Economic Net——National Economic Portal

Beijing strictly prohibits medical institutions from refusing transportation, refusing diagnosis, refusing treatment, and queuing for fever clinics to be checked within half an hour_China Economic Net——National Economic Portal

(Fight against new coronary pneumonia) Beijing strictly prohibits medical institutions from refusing transportation, refusing to diagnose and resuscitate, and the queue for fever clinics is controlled within half an hour

China News Agency, Beijing, December 19 (Chen Hang Xu Jing) Beijing requests medical institutions not to refuse transportation, treatment or rescue under any circumstances during the treatment of patients, further expand the service area of ​​fever clinics and mobilize staff from other departments to enrich fever Outpatient service team dynamically adjusts the number of fever clinics and keep the waiting time within half an hour as much as possible.

This is what the reporter learned from a press conference on the prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic in Beijing on the 19th.

Xu Hejian, spokesman for the Beijing municipal government, stressed that the concept of putting people and life first should be applied throughout the entire medical treatment process. It is the imperative duty of medical institutions to save lives and heal the injured and under no circumstances should they refuse to transport, treat or treat patients.

In order to further improve the service capacity of fever patients, Beijing requires all secondary and tertiary hospitals and community health service institutions to make full use of their potential, clear the hospital area or build shelters, temporary facilities, etc. ., further expand the service area of ​​fever clinics, and mobilize the staff of other departments Strengthen the service team of fever clinics, dynamically adjust the number of fever clinics, and control the waiting time as much as possible within half a Now.

In order to fully ensure the people’s drug needs, Beijing adheres to the principle of scientific and reasonable distribution, comprehensively considers the functions and indications, packaging and specifications of drugs, and distributes drugs reasonably. The forms dosages suitable for children are delivered preferentially to medical institutions with children’s clinics, and there are strict requirements for large-packed antipyretics placed in pharmacies to be disassembled and sold on demand.

According to the adjustment of the epidemic prevention and control policy, a large number of positive infections in Beijing have recently been isolated and recovered at home. Regarding the release of home isolation for positive infections, Tu Zhitao, Party Committee member of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, director of the Beijing Municipal Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and first-level inspector, said that for the ‘home isolation and cured infected people, home isolation should be completed from the date of onset of symptoms 7 days.

Tu Zhitao said that if the fever symptoms subsided for more than 24 hours and other symptoms improved after 7 days of home isolation without the use of antipyretics, the isolation can be lifted; if fever symptoms are still present, wait until fever symptoms subside for more than 24 hours and other symptoms improve After isolation release. After the isolation is released, they can return to work and return to work without nucleic acid and antigen testing. The requirements for rehabilitation from isolation and return to work for special sectors and positions must be implemented in accordance with the regulations of the sector authorities.

Xu Hejian called for strictly preventing the prevention and control of overweight and sticking to rigidity. It is necessary to carefully compare the new ten items, namely the “Notice on further optimization and implementation of prevention and control measures for the new coronary pneumonia epidemic” Realize the full restoration of normal production and order of life the as soon as possible.

Xu Hejian stressed that the restrictions on arrival rate and inter-regional movement will be lifted, the requirement of “three days and three inspections” for employees arriving in Beijing will be canceled, and the negative inspection of the nucleic acid certificate of the recovery of work and production sites other than the new ten requirements will be canceled; regular nucleic acid testing requirements for professionals such as real estate agencies, housing services, libraries, cultural centers and art galleries, classified tourist attractions and manufacturing laboratories. Bars, KTV, Internet cafes, fitness and other places located in underground confined spaces resume operations, resume meals, resume holding meetings, trainings and banquets (wedding banquets) in various hotels and hotels, resume travel agencies and online travel companies to manage group tours in Beijing, and travel in and out of Beijing Inter-provincial team travel and “air ticket + hotel” business. (use)

(Editor in charge: He Xin)

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