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Beijing Olympics, OL | China is asking its citizens to stay away from Olympic transport

The authorities in Beijing are working hard to ensure that there is no infection in connection with the Olympics.

It is less than a month until the Winter Olympics begin in Beijing. So far, all indications are that the games will be arranged, despite the fact that the omicron variant is spreading around the world.

The authorities’ goal is that those who participate or work during the Olympics should not be in contact with the rest of society at all. China has had strict restrictions on virtually the entire pandemic. The reason for this is the authorities’ zero tolerance strategy. It means that all coronary heart disease in society must be eradicated immediately, regardless of cost.

This is reflected in the infection rates. According to the World Health Organization, there were only 250 cases of infection on Monday.

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Therefore, the participants are given strict rules to abide by. They are not allowed to leave the “Olympic bubble” at all during their stay in the country and must go straight into isolation on arrival.

Just like during the summer games in Tokyo, there will be separate transport for those who are in the “bubble”. In Beijing, the authorities have made it clear that residents must stay away from these vehicles. In fact, they say that the locals should not approach to help those involved, if one of the Olympic transports is in an accident.

– Do not come into contact with the transports or the people in them. Wait for the professionals, writes Beijing’s road traffic agency on Weibo, according to France 24.

The “bubble” will consist of around 3,000 practitioners, in addition to a large number of support staff, volunteers and others. Several of these have already been quarantined to be ready for the start of the games.

Raises eyebrows

The Chinese authorities’ move is creating reactions. Several international media have mentioned it.

The BBC’s China correspondent Stephen McDonell is among those responding.

– Imagine that there is a car accident and that first aid is not given quickly enough to an Olympic athlete because passers-by waited for the emergency services, as they are now asked to do! writes McDonell on Twitter.

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– Can never eliminate the risk

The Olympic Summit is expected to send a squad of around 85 athletes to China. 59 have already been removed. Who will be the last will be announced on 18 January.

Athletes and other Olympic players are encouraged to have as little physical contact as possible with others in the last 14 days before departure.

The Norwegian travel party mainly travels in two groups: the first on 27 January and the second on 31, both by charter flight. In addition, a smaller group travels at a different time, as that timing suits them better.

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Halvor Lea is a communications consultant at Olympiatoppen and has not had any special contact with the individual sports environments, but believes that the Norwegian athletes experience it as a security to travel by charter.

– You can never eliminate the risk of becoming infected, but you can be as careful as possible, he says.

– What do you think about the Chinese authorities saying that the locals should not help you in the event of an accident?

– What we know is that this is a “bubble” that is set up to deal with the different needs around health and transport when such a large group of people gather in a closed system. We have confidence that it will work. We experienced this in Tokyo, although it is becoming somewhat stricter now. The experiences from Tokyo have certainly helped to shape the measures we want to live under in China. It is a country that knows a lot about organization, says Lea, who does not want to go further into the topic.

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