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Beijing Anzhen Hospital experts: Family members should pay attention to the blood pressure, heart rate and other related tools of the elderly at home.

Source title: Beijing Anzhen Hospital experts: Family members should pay attention to the blood pressure, heart rate and other related instruments of the elderly at home

What problems should elderly people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases pay attention to after being infected with the new crown? How should the family care for the elderly? On December 30, Shi Dongmei, chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, said in an interview with a Beijing Youth Daily reporter that symptomatic treatment should be actively administered and, at the same time, pay attention to to blood pressure and heart rate of the elderly Sphygmomanometer, if the finger oxygen shows a continuous downward trend, or even falls below 90%, or the elderly discomfort increases, it is necessary to go to the hospital for further diagnosis and treatment .

From a clinical point of view, what is the risk that elderly people with cardiovascular disease will become seriously ill after being infected with the new coronavirus? In this regard, Shi Dongmei, chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, said that in the face of the new crown, the elderly are a vulnerable group, and they are also the group most affected by the new crown. of severe disease is much higher than that of the young, and the risk of secondary infection is also higher than that of the young.much higher and therefore require special attention. Infection with the new coronavirus in the elderly with cardiovascular disease can make the cardiovascular disease unstable, so try to avoid infection with the new crown.

“However, if you are infected, I still hope everyone takes it calmly and is not too nervous and scared,” Shi Dongmei reminded the elders and family members who are watching at home. they are fever, muscle and throat pains throughout the body, and subsequently cough and expectoration. It is the process of the disease. Young people feel these physical discomforts more strongly, while the elderly, especially the elderly, sometimes do not react strongly. Some older people have no obvious symptoms at first and develop a low-grade fever and their body temperature soon returns to normal. For fever, body aches, cough and other symptoms, you can actively reduce fever, increase drinking water appropriately, and use cough relief and expectorant drugs.

In addition, Shi Dongmei also reminded that family members and carers should pay attention to the blood pressure and heart rate of the elderly, and pay attention to the presence of suffocation and hypoxia symptoms. You can bring your own oxygen meter and blood pressure monitor blood at home, and you can also bring your ownfamilyOxygen generator, patients with mild hypoxia can inhale oxygen at home. If the oxygen to the finger shows a continuous downward trend, or even falls below 90%, or the elderly feel more uncomfortable, they should go to the hospital for further diagnosis and treatment.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Jiang Ruojing

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