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Beijing and partially in the moment: ‘Wuhan-at the same time, forces up to scrutiny’

It would, therefore, be able to show that there has been a release of the virus from a different animal species. That is, according to Koopmans, are to be examined, even if it’s not the most likely scenario. “We’re pretty sure it’s a virus of bats, but it is not, or there is some other tussenreservoir it is. That is to say, it is possible that the infection from bats can be transferred to other animals that are being sold in these markets.”

That the so-called tussenreservoir, for example, a mink may have been. But in the schubbendieren have any infections are found, to know Koopmans. “This is also in Wuhan, has not yet been established. It is important to examine, because we don’t want it going unnoticed, a dierreservoir is where the virus from spreading.”

According to Koopmans, is, we know more and more about how the virus is spread through human or animal dispersed. “We are in the Netherlands, busy with the mink. We know now that certain species are less susceptible. You want it to be, now, in China, is under investigation.”

Eleven-residential completed

In order to further the spread of the virus to prevent it, the authorities in Beijing and eleven of the residential areas around the Xinfadi market is completely shut down. “Beijing had 55 days of no infection. The people were a lot more relaxed,” says Garrie van Pinxteren, from the Chinese capital in the NOS Radio 1 Journaal.

In the city, more than 10,000 people to test for the occurrence in the image. Six other big marketplaces in Beijing are now closed. “It was more of a local outbreak, in the Wuhan itself. But now, in the capital city, happens, is in for a huge disappointment.”

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