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Behind the scenes of the reopening of terrace restaurants in Montluçon (Allier)

The restaurateurs of Montluçon (Allier) who were able to reopen on the terrace this Wednesday, May 19 have put the small dishes in the big ones. Brick tables, almost fresh paintings, sparkling clean cooking.

The Brasserie de la Gare, avenue Max Dormoy, is like new. “We wanted everything to be spotless for customers. We have a little the impression of opening a new establishment ”, confides the boss, Jean-Daniel Lebois, in the process of receiving boxes of plates.

Regain your habits after 7 months of closure

After seven long months of closure, he and his son Benjamin, both partners, would not have missed this reunion with their regulars for anything.

We owe it to our customers to be there to interact with them. They are the ones who kept us going. We are not here today to make money, but to put oil in the machine.

Jean-Daniel Lebois (boss of the Brasserie de la Gare)

A machine that has started up again since the eve of this long-awaited 19 May. With a few inevitable hiccups: phone and bank card terminal batteries discharged, cold room out of gas… “We were a little apprehensive last night. [mardi]. We practiced a bit on the cash register. But the automatisms return quickly. It’s like cycling, you can’t forget it, ”says Benjamin Lebois.

Poke bowl, rib steak, tarte Tatin and brownies

Same state of mind in the kitchen where the chef, Thomas Marceron, simmers a sautéed veal tomato olive, the dish for a day not quite like the others. “I have prepared enough to make twenty plates. I didn’t want to do too much for fear of having to throw. You never know how it’s going to start again, ”he said cautiously. The cook has been behind his stove for 8 hours.

Chocolate brownies, tarts Tatin… This king of homemade desserts has not lost his hand during the closing of the restaurant. “I used to cook at home every day. And then I worked on the new card. We have tried to adapt to the desires of the customers. For example, we offer poke bowls. But our specialty remains the steak, ”adds the 29-year-old.

Employees still partially unemployed

At 11 am, despite the variable weather and the rain, the terrace is already well stocked with Montluçonnais delighted to be able to carve a bib around a little black. However, the restaurant can only accommodate a maximum of 30 customers. And we had to make choices.

A third of our staff remains on partial unemployment. Some employees are a little disappointed. They want to resume

Jean-Daniel Lebois (boss of the Brasserie de la Gare)

Better weather this Thursday

The boss and his son are impatiently awaiting a full start. Even if the hardest part is behind them. “During the closure, Benjamin, my partner and I worked as an interim in companies in the region. We have done everything not to jeopardize our business, ”continues Jean-Daniel Lebois, who has two other establishments in Vichy and Saint-Amand-Montrond (Cher). But the seasoned professional remains optimistic: “Tomorrow they expect good weather,” he says with a smile.

In Clermont-Ferrand, everyone is there for the reopening of the terraces and shops

Terraces at 50% of their capacity

For others, this recovery is not really one. This is particularly the case of Rock’n’diner, rue Grande, in the heart of old Montluçon. Large convivial benches, Fender Stratocaster guitar and neon lights on the walls… The place is for “American specialties” (burger, hot dog…).

Preparations that lend themselves more to the “take away” formula than the traditional bistro. “We never closed. We ship a lot with Uber Eat. Work is health and then it pays the rent, ”jokes Alison Arendt, the manager. “We would have liked to be able to open the terrace 100%. At 50%, it’s quickly filled, that only makes eighteen place settings. We can only do one service for now, ”she continues.

The terrace of the Rock’n’Diner, rue Grande, can only contain 18 seats with a 50% gauge.

Enthusiastic but stressed restaurateurs

The service, Cynthia Couturier, took it up again this morning at the Chanzy, a brasserie located not far from the town hall. The young woman slaloms between the tables on the busy terrace, happy to once again be able to bring starters, main courses and desserts to customers. “It’s nice to see people again. And it feels good to be able to rework a bit after being home for so long. But above all, we are waiting for the grand reopening, on June 9, ”she admits. In the kitchen, the pace is already strong.

We are all a little stressed. We have been preparing this moment for a week. We want everyone to be happy.

Nicolas Rodrigues (chef of the restaurant Le Chanzy)

The establishment was already full on Tuesday noon. “We even had to make room,” says the boss. Conviviality, sharing and love of good things are always on the menu of Montluçonnais restaurants.

At Le Chanzy, we got busy in the kitchen this Wednesday noon.

Deconfinement: scenes of a slightly more ordinary life in Montluçon (Allier) this Wednesday, May 19

Text: François Delotte
Photos: Florian Salesse

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