Home » today » Health » BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE PARALLEL STATE | Transport pairing scheme – Last race from CFR: Two billion euros for 166 km

BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE PARALLEL STATE | Transport pairing scheme – Last race from CFR: Two billion euros for 166 km

New revelations on the transport mafia, Thursday evening at Reality ADDITION. Anca Alexandrescu has created, in the Culisele Statului Paralel program, the scheme of combinations and the path of public transport money, under the guidance of Minister Sorin Grindeanu.

“When I asked a friend why it costs 2 billion, he told me that this means that it covers both salary and profit. (…) The diagram I made shows that it was divided into 4 lots. Lot 1 has a value of 1,611. billion lei, lot 2 costs 1.532 billion lei without VAT. Lot 3 has a value of 2.117 billion without VAT, and lot 4, where Mr. Pier Luca Canino is also sent to court, is 2.416 billion her.

On October 30th the FCC filed an appeal and on November 1st the ASTALDI company advanced very serious accusations and spoke of the first corruption, which Mr. Canino admitted. These gentlemen contested and said: the companies could not be accepted because they violated some fundamental rules: they cheated and rigged the races. They are associated with a Russian company and risk violating sanctions against Russia. AKTOR was sanctioned by the World Bank in 2020 for fraudulent practices.

The Astaldi gentlemen also state that the FCC, in Spain, was fined 71 million euros for match manipulation. They are also sanctioned by the World Bank for fraudulent practices. This year they received a fine of 40 million euros for the agreements and a decision is made to terminate the contracts in Spain.

If the CFR doesn’t control these things, we risk losing money, ”Anca Alexandrescu said.

Liviu Mihaiu: “CNAIR is a mafia that no one has been through for 30 years. They asphalted us so badly that another pavement is needed in two years. It is one of the sources of money”.

Mihai Belu: “The impression is that there are mobsters fighting for our money. All these works are carried out with Romanian companies, they have subcontractors.”

Anca Alexandrescu: “Some have the same subcontractors. (…)

I have received information and I want to say it: I understand that Mr. Canino has been extracted from Welbuil. (…)

Sorin Grindeanu needs to clean up. All this is done in his mandate. He can’t say he doesn’t know. Mr. Grindeanu, do you want me to remind you who your energy consultant was and where do you work now? I heard it at the SRI. I’ll remember one day. “

To imagine

To imagine

To imagine

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