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Behind the scenes at a click of the mouse

Carla Hartwig and right Louisa Bullerjahn (Photo: Matthias Stutte)


Krefeld / Mönchengladbach. From now on there is a new offer of theater education: a digital tour through the theater in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach.

What to do if kindergarten children and schoolchildren can no longer come to the theater because of the corona pandemic? You bring the theater to them – straight to the daycare center, the classroom or even home.

For their FSJ project, Carla Hartwig and Louisa Bullerjahn from the areas of theater education and photography / graphics took a look around the various departments of the Krefeld and Mönchengladbach theaters, filmed diligently and captured unique glimpses behind the scenes with their cameras. “Walk in!” Is what they called their half-hour theater tour, which can be ordered from the two theater teachers Maren Gambusch and Silvia Behnke on request – free of charge. A trailer is now available on all of the theater’s digital channels.

In their little film “Come in!”, The two FSJ students take the audience on an exciting and informative journey of discovery into the heart of the community theater. The audience learn, among other things, how the performers are made up before a performance, that there are almost 30,000 costumes and costume accessories, how to edit the mowing sounds of a sheep on the computer and let it flash properly on the stage. Hartwig and Bullerjahn also conducted interviews with interesting theater people who explain their areas of work in a simple and understandable way – from general manager to lighting supervisor.

The digital theater tour “Walk in!” Is suitable for kindergarten children and schoolchildren up to and including the 6th grade. A version for older grades is currently being planned. The tour can be ordered as a DVD or download from Theater Education. Contact: [email protected]; [email protected]

On www.theater-kr-mg.de the trailer can be found under the menu item “Youth”.

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