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Behind the Palace’s Silence about the Democrat Outbreak that Appointed Moeldoko

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

A number of cadres have been dismissed by the DPP Party Democrats held an Extraordinary Congress (KLB) at Deli Serdang, North Sumatra on Friday (5/3). In the KLB, the Head of the Presidential Staff Office Moeldoko appointed general chairman.

The KLB Forum stated Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) Automatically demisioner from the position of chairman after Moeldoko is appointed. However, the DPP Democrats considered the KLB illegal because it was not in accordance with the party’s statutes.

Political observer from Al Azhar University, Ujang Komaruddin, highlighted Moeldoko’s role in the chaos in the management of the Democratic Party. He suspected that Moeldoko’s gesture of a coup against the leadership had been approved by the Palace.

The blessing, he said, could be judged from the silent actions of the ranks of the Presidential Palace. In fact, Moeldoko is a high-ranking state official who also served in the Presidential Palace.

“The Palace has been silent all this time is a strong indication of this ‘blessing’. Moeldoko himself is a palace member. So part of the Palace. Now just the objective, if the government in this case Pak Moeldoko does that, it will definitely be allowed, it will definitely be allowed,” he said. Ujang to CNNIndonesia.com, Friday (5/3).

Ujang assessed that Moeldoko’s takeover of the Democrats would not have happened if it was prohibited by the Palace or President Jokowi. This is because taking over a party management position that has been officially registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is an unconstitutional act.

It is known, the management of the Democratic Party under the leadership of AHY has been ratified through the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Decree number M.HH-10.AH.11.01 Year 2020 which was signed since 19 May 2020. The congress for the establishment of AHY as the General Chairperson itself was held in March 2020.

In addition to damaging the image of the Presidential Palace in general, Ujang saw that the coup would also damage the image of President Joko Widodo.

“If a coup does not occur, it means that it is prohibited. That is a simple gesture that can be judged by the public. I suspect that Pak Moeldoko will not continue because there are no signs of prohibition,” he said.

Furthermore, Ujang assessed that the Palace’s blessing for Moeldoko to take over the Democrats could be a capital for the government’s future political interests. One of them is by diluting the strength of the opposition political parties in the current parliament.

It is known that the Democrat Party is a political party that has an attitude of not joining the Jokowi government. This decision is in line with the position chosen by PKS and PAN, who are now both in parliament.

Seeing this, Ujang considered Moeldoko trying to ‘conquer’ the opposition by attracting Democrats to join the ranks of government.

This effort, he said, is expected to make various policies designed by the government can be easily realized in the parliament and there will be no meaningful resistance.

“Of course we want to eliminate parties or destroy opposing parties. Right now there is no opposition. Now the Democrats are not yet. That’s why they are divided, so they are ostracized,” he said.

Ujang assessed that intervention by the palace interfered in the internal affairs of political parties, causing the democratic climate in Indonesia to become damaged. This is because the freedom of association guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution has been damaged by illegal interventions for power.

On the other hand, he also stated that the strength of the opposition political parties in parliament should continue and be maintained. This is in order to oversee the running of the government which tends to abuse power or abuse of power.

“Democracy is hijacked. Why? Later, parliamentary control will no longer oversee the running of the government. Because in theory ‘power tends to corrupt,’ so in this context taking over the Democratic party is also included in the category of abuse of power or abuse of power,” he said.

Likewise, Political Observer from Jakarta State University, Ubedilah Badrun, assessed that Moeldoko’s takeover of the seat of the Democratic Party Chairperson through the KLB also indicated the palace’s blessing. Moreover, Moeldoko, who was a person within the Palace circle, immediately became its general chairman.

‘If the general was not Moeldoko and among the cadres who were disobedient, maybe I saw that there were differences in viewpoints or interests among the elite Democrat party. But it’s not, “said Ubed.

Ubed assessed that the Palace’s attitude of not responding to the efforts made by Moeldoko to carry out the KLB was an important sign of the blessing given.

Moreover, state instruments such as the security apparatus at the KLB location seemed to allow the forum to continue. In fact, the Demorkat Party itself has asked the security apparatus to dissolve the KLB.

“The Democrat KLB was carried out with the approval of the chairman of the Upper House. So the country should know that there will be potential conflicts. Now law enforcement officials should secure a congress that has potential and is illegal. But this apparatus is silent, there is no serious effort,” he said.

On the other hand, Ubed considered that there was a hidden political agenda behind the palace giving Moeldoko’s blessing to take over the Democrat Party. One of them can be used by Jokowi to provide a new political vehicle in the future for his children and son-in-law who are now taking part in politics.

“What vehicles? Yes, among them is acquiring parties or splitting parties. If you build a new party it is difficult. If you can split the party. This is the impact of the split in PDIP and efforts to build new vehicles at the palace,” said Ubed.

Political expert Saiful Mujani thinks that the Democrat KLB that chose Moeldoko to be the General Chair is an extraordinary irony. According to him, since the New Order era there has indeed been a takeover of power by political parties through KLB. However, it was done by party cadres themselves.

He gave an example of the case of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI) when Soerjadi removed Megawati through the KLB mechanism. At that time, it was said to be an extension of the regime.

Therefore, Mujani assesses that in the current democratic era, Moeldoko’s takeover of Democrats is an extraordinary irony.

In the current era of democracy, Democrats are thus taken over by state offices that must protect all parties. incredible irony,“Mujani said in a tweet on his Twitter account.

Party Internal Affairs, Government Position Difficult


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