On the day she turned 41 (August 2022), Begoña Basauri confirmed that she was 14 weeks pregnant. Today, with her daughter Rosa already installed in her life, the actress told how she decided to undergo in vitro fertilization to have her.
Through her Instagram account, the actress revealed details of the process that she and her partner -Sebastián Undurraga- went through to become parents of their little girl, who is almost 3 months old today.
“Although it seems obvious, you have to leave because you want to have children… I explain to you with the words of an actress and a woman who went through the process. I tell you what I did and why we made that decision as a couple, ”she started by saying the expanelist from text game.
Along these lines, he revealed that IVF (in vitro fertilization) was performed at the Women’s Clinic / Reproductive Medicine of Viña del Mar.
“10 years ago, I had just come out of a very traumatic relationship that left me with the feeling that things were difficult and I said ‘I don’t see myself having a family with anyone, but I’m not sure I don’t want children’”Begoña indicated.
There he began to investigate the preservation of ovules, which was about “freeze your ovarian reserve for future use“.
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Egg preservation: a topic that was not talked about
For this reason, he decided to find out about this procedure. Doctor Óscar Espinoza explained what it consisted of and what the risks and costs were (both physical and monetary).
“It seemed to me that everything was very safe and once landed, I could do it. At the same time, I began to record a television series and, like 10 years ago, this was not discussed openly. I didn’t know who to ask if they had done it, if they felt that the process was to be done during a soap opera, if I was going to go crazy with hormones,” she said.
For the same reason, Begoña wanted to share her experience publicly, for all the people who might be thinking of undergoing in vitro fertilization.
“No one shared their experience with me. Life took me, and 10 years later, I came back to the Viña del Mar Women’s Clinic to sit in front of the same doctor,” she said.

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Begoña Basauri and her partner chose in vitro fertilization
“I arrived 10 years later, but this time with a partner who had made me trust again that it was possible to make a family“, confessed the actress.
“In that clinic it was the only one where they listened to me and respected what I wanted. For us it was important to feel respected and contained, and not that we were just another token, ”she added.
In other places, the couple felt that everything was too mechanical, and it was in this compound that they were allowed to do IVF without first going through the other options to get pregnant.
One of them was hormone treatment. The next alternative was intrauterine insemination, but Begoña Basauri was not convinced by these methods. “It generated too much anxiety to try little by little, feeling that the clock was playing against me”he acknowledged.
“I am not saying that you should skip the other attempts because they can work and are less invasive, but I was already 40 years old“He indicated, because they had been trying to be parents with Sebastián for months, and it did not work out, despite the fact that they were in good health.

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What is the procedure about?
What is in vitro fertilization specifically about? According to Begoña Basauri, what is done is to extract the eggs and sperm separately.
They are fertilized outside the uterus and when there is already an embryo of five days of development, it can be transferred to the mother’s uterus.
“I realize that we made a good decision. It does not matter if it is the most elegant, the most bombastic or the smallest. They have to do the process where they feel comfortable, because it’s a process that can be hellish if you’re not in the right place,” the actress finally recommended.
2023-04-24 22:07:15
#Begoña #Basauri #performed #vitro #fertilization #daughter #clock #playing