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Beginning of the 2024/2025 school year at the Academic Secondary School of the Białystok University of Technology


The 2024/2025 school year at the Academic High School of the Białystok University of Technology officially began on September 2, 2024! In the presence of the school authorities, teaching staff and parents – 237 students were welcomed after the holidays, including 57 first-grade students! The event was inaugurated by Dr. Hab. Eng. Katarzyna Halicka, prof. PB, Vice-Rector for Education of the Białystok University of Technology and Dr. Katarzyna Wiszowata-Walczak, Director of ALO PB.

A heavy metal band cover at the beginning of the school year? Why not? The Academic High School of the Białystok University of Technology is an exceptional school, which is why the beginning of the education had to be unusual.

The official welcome of 237 students, including 57 first-graders, was inaugurated by Dr. Hab. Eng. Katarzyna Halicka, prof. PB, Vice-Rector for Education at the Białystok University of Technology. The Vice-Rector, making her debut in this role, confirmed to the new students that they had chosen the right place to study and develop their passions, because they are supported by a team of excellent teachers.

– We have the best staff, who are prepared to educate both older and younger people – said the Vice-Rector, answering the question why it is worth studying in a high school that operates at a university. – This is the beginning of further education, here at the Białystok University of Technology – she added, drawing attention to the significance of choosing ALO PB in developing the further education path of young people.

The beginning of the school year in our high school was an opportunity to welcome the youth after the holidays, but also to remind them of the educational challenges awaiting them. Dr. Katarzyna Wiszowata-Walczak, Director of the Academic High School of the Białystok University of Technology, addressed the oldest classes, who will take the Matura exam in May 2025, giving them faith in success. And this comes easily to ALO ​​PB high school graduates. This is evidenced by this year’s Matura exam results. Only in mathematics at the basic level, the average result of the high school was 94.04%, while the national average is 68%.

– We expected our students to do very well in their final exams, but we didn’t think we would break our own records in the region. Computer science – first place. Basic mathematics – as well. Similarly, advanced English. We were in the top in practically all subjects – sums up the Headmistress, expressing hope that the excellent grades will be reflected in the next school ranking. In this year’s Perspektywy 2024 High School Ranking, the Academic High School of the Białystok University of Technology took 3rd place among high schools in the Podlaskie Province!

The novelties introduced in the 2024/2025 school year will further strengthen the position of the high school in terms of success in the matriculation exam. Additional faculties serve this purpose, but not only.

– In the new school year, we have some quite interesting changes in our offer. We decided that in the third grades, where there is the greatest expansion of mathematics in the entire school cycle, we will divide the class into groups. Thanks to studying in small groups, students will gain knowledge even more effectively, which affects the grade in the high school leaving exam. Additionally, we have also introduced Olympic, mathematical circles. When it comes to languages ​​- the new language is Spanish, which is very popular – listed the changes Dr. Katarzyna Wiszowata-Walczak.

And that’s just the beginning. Students can take advantage of the extracurricular activities that have been added to the schedule this year. These include: an IT club, a logic games club, chess classes, and art history classes. Another novelty at the high school is the Alumni Council, chaired by Sergiusz Jakuszewicz, a graduate of ALO PB and a student at the Faculty of Mechanics. The Council will help students develop their scientific wings with the support of experienced, older colleagues from the Białystok University of Technology, as well as develop the school’s strengths in the areas of robotics and IT.

We hope that the students’ batteries are fully charged after the rest to implement new educational and didactic activities announced by the school management. Implementation of an international project with a German school, participation in ecological campaigns, preparations for competitions that guarantee indexes (including for the Białystok University of Technology). These are the next points of the plan for the coming months of studies.

The school has also undergone a minor facelift of its classrooms, in order to inspire students in a slightly “tuned” environment. However, it still focuses on catching young talents, so students can count on help in implementing their individual projects, as well as a friendly environment, which is especially appreciated by new students.

– I chose this high school because of the science subjects. I heard that there is a great atmosphere here. The best opinion I heard about the schools was about ALO. I draw a little artistically, but I am also learning architectural drawing, which may be useful in the future – said Iga Kieda, a freshman in the 1st grade.

And what does Dr. Katarzyna Wiszowata-Walczak, the school principal, wish for her students?

– I think that first and foremost, they should be in a good mood, because when young people are in a good mood, they are more creative. And creative young people come up with fantastic ideas, which they implement in the form of various projects, both robotic, IT and technical. Students come to us with a head full of ideas. They feel good here, which makes learning balanced, and this in turn ensures their development.

We encourage all those who would like to support the school with their ideas next year to apply for recruitment next year – information can be found on the school website.

We also encourage you to take advantage of the eighth-grade courses conducted by ALO PB teachers – details.

We invite you to view photos from the beginning of the 2024/2025 school year at the Academic Secondary School of the Białystok University of Technology:


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