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Beginning of 2021, all Rt indices: Covid increasing in 6 Regions

According to some experts the vaccine will mitigate the third wave of Covid in our country, even if we will have to continue to wear the mask and maintain social distancing for many more months (who all the info on what you need to do to get the vaccine).

But the situation at the beginning of 2021, although improving compared to November / December, sends clear signals: the contagion curve no longer falls.

Continue on signal of countertrend in the transmission index reported in the previous two weeks for the whole country. This is achieved in a European context characterized by a new increase in the number of cases in many European countries and the appearance of viral variants reported with a potential greater transmission.

L’epidemic in Italy is still serious due to a high impact on welfare services, explains the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in his latest report.

Three Regions / PPAA (Veneto, Liguria, Calabria) have a punctual Rt greater than 1 even in the lower value, therefore compatible with a type 2 scenario, other 3 (Basilicata, Lombardy and Puglia) exceed it in the average value, and another three touch it (Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche). This, together with the high incidence that is still recorded in almost the entire territory is of particular concern.

Rt index on the rise

For the third consecutive week the index of transmissibility Rt is rising to 0.93, compared to 0.90 last week and 0.86 15 days ago. There are 6 Regions with an Rt above 1 and 3 with a very close index.

The weekly incidence is 135 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. A value that is still far and far from levels that would allow the complete restoration of the identification of cases and tracing of their contacts throughout the national territory: to do this, we should reach 50 cases per 100 thousand in 7 days.

Rt under 1

  • Abruzzo 0,65
  • Campania 0,78
  • Lazio 0,84
  • Molise 0.89
  • Piedmont 0.71
  • Autonomous Province of Bolzano 0.76
  • Autonomous Province of Trento 0.71
  • Tuscany 0.79
  • Sardinia 0.78
  • Sicily 0.93
  • Umbria 0,8
  • Aosta Valley 0.83.

Rt close to 1

  • Emilia Romagna 0.98
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia 0.96
  • Walk 0.99.

Rt equal to or above 1

  • Basilicata 1.09
  • Calabria 1,09
  • Liguria 1,07
  • Lombardy 1
  • Apulia 1
  • Veneto 1.07.

Veneto is the region where the alarm is highest. Because here, in addition to a punctual Rt greater than 1, a particularly high incidence of Coronavirus is observed.

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