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Begin the Influenza Vaccination Campaign in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. October 16, 2023.- The Gto Health System, through Health Jurisdiction II, begins the influenza vaccination campaign this Monday.

With the aim of protecting the population from this contagious respiratory disease, reported the head of the Gto Health System Daniel Díaz Martínez, adding that the goal is to apply more than 112 thousand assigned doses; to cover the nine municipalities of the northeast region and San Miguel de Allende.

He recalled that influenza affects the respiratory system; Therefore, the nose, throat and lungs would be compromised.

Symptoms include fever, muscle aches, headache, malaise, dry cough and sore throat.

“This virus can cause mild or severe illness, and in extreme cases; “It can lead to death.”

The infection spreads easily through droplets expelled from coughs or sneezes, making annual vaccination the best way to prevent the disease.

The doses intended for this vaccination are broken down as follows for the municipalities of Health Jurisdiction II: Atarjea (1,672 doses), San Luis de la Paz (27,299 doses), San Miguel de Allende (39,465 doses), Doctor Mora (7,087 doses doses), San José Iturbide (19,030 doses), Xichú (3,883 doses), Tierra Blanca (5,932 doses), Victoria (6,685 doses) and Santa Catarina (1,780 doses).

The vaccine will be administered to the following population groups:

-Girls and boys from 6 to 59 months of age.

-Adults over 60 years of age and older.

-Pregnant and breastfeeding women.

-Health personnel.

-People from 5 to 59 years of age with any comorbidity, such as diabetes, obesity, heart or lung diseases, congenital or acquired immunosuppression, cancer and HIV.

The vaccine will be available in medical units in the region, with the aim of preventing acute respiratory infections that can have serious health consequences.

It is important that those who wish to be vaccinated carry the following requirements:

– National Health Card.

– CURP (Unique Population Registration Key).

Health Jurisdiction II invites all the aforementioned age groups to take advantage of this opportunity to protect their health and prevent future complications for the winter season.

Vaccination is an effective tool to prevent the development of serious diseases, and community participation is essential to building a healthier future.

This vaccination campaign represents an important effort by health authorities to guarantee the safety and well-being of the population in Guanajuato.

2023-10-16 18:33:01
#SSG #assigns #thousand #influenza #vaccines #San #Miguel #Allende

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