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Begal Arrested Already In Action 5 Times In West Jakarta Area Halaman all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Police chief Tambora, Commissioner Iver Son Manossoh said, three perpetrators robber with the initials S, H and R arrested, they have acted five times in the area west Jakarta.

“These three suspects have acted five times in the Tambora region,” Iver said in his statement on Saturday (1/8/2020).

Iver explained, the points that had been the location of the perpetrators’ actions included Tanah Sereal, Pekojan, Jembatan Besi, and Tamansari, West Jakarta.

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In fact, said Iver, the perpetrators are also recidivists in the same case.

“All three were also recorded as recidivists. The same case,” he said.

Previous, Police arrested S, H, and R in Tambora area, West Jakarta, on Saturday (1/8/2020) noon.

Iver explained that the arrest of the perpetrators began with reports from the public who had been victims of three perpetrators.

At that time, the police immediately conducted an investigation and arrested the perpetrators in a rented house in the Tambora area, West Jakarta.

“The result was that all three were successfully tracked at the rented area of ​​the Tambora area and we captured it,” said Iver.

Iver explained, the third mode of perpetrators in carrying out the action was by first squeezing the target victims.

Then, the perpetrators demanded the victim’s valuables by threatening to use the sharp weapons he had brought.

“So when they can target, the perpetrators issue sharp weapons and immediately scare the victims,” ​​he said.

Also read: Police Arrest 3 Begal in Tambora, West Jakarta

In fact, said Iver, the perpetrators did not hesitate to hurt the victim if they did not submit what was asked.

“If the victim fights when pointed at by a sharp weapon, the perpetrator does not hesitate to hurt,” he said.

Police also secured evidence in the form of two cellphones, two sickles of the type of sickle, two samurai, badik, and methamphetamine and their suction devices. At present the perpetrators have also been taken to Tambora Sector Police for further investigation.

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